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August 6, 2017

"Can we at least talk? This silent treatment is really killing me over here." I tell Harry once I get back to his apartment so he can work his shift. I had learned that Harry's tactic in a fight was to hit you with the silent treatment.

I hated this but it was Harry's way of dealing with things and everyone has their own way of coping. I just wasn't fond of how Harry dealt with this.

"Harry you haven't spoken a word to me in 4 days! We were supposed to co-parent and play house! I know you are upset but can we at least talk through it?" I waddle to the doorway of his neatly cleaned bedroom and wait for some sort of response. He doesn't seem to pay much mind to me as he finished up tying his black silk tie in the mirror.

"Okay, that's it you are making me do it." I raise my hands waddling through the doorway with my planet-sized belly and swollen feet. I think my feet were growing feet with how big and puffy they had gotten. Plus don't even get me started on my massive cankles!

"You're all that matters to me, yeah yeah! There ain't an "I" in team, you make me complete you're all that matters to me!" I sing out dramatically about to give Harry a concert of song apologies. I take a step into his room and see he isn't reacting, time to step it up.

"And I can't help falling in love with you..." I trail dramatically shooting my arm out to point to Harry who I know is making a conscience effort to ignore me. "And I hope you know I won't let go! I'll be your lifeline tonight! I won't let go! I'll be your lifeline tonight!" I make beatboxing sounds to give the full effect to the song before I switch to the next song I was coming up with on the spot. "But somewhere we went wrong... we were once so strong, our love is like a song you can't forget it!" I keep walking closer changing my dancing based on the song I am singing.

I know Harry wants to crack a smile or let alone look at me but he continues to keep to himself and tie his tie he had messed up on. "Oh I hate to hurt you but I got, to be honest, You know that I'm sorry!"

Sneaking up behind him I peek my head behind his right shoulder and brush my hand against his jet black coat jacket. "Cause I got issues but you've got them too, so give em' all to me and I'll give mine to you! Cause we got that kind of love it takes to solve em!"

I twist him and move my hips also knowing that this probably isn't as sexy as it would be if I weren't pregnant. I see Harry crack a smile with his dimples beginning to carve into the sides of his cheeks.

"Jesus okay, I think you got the point that these hips don't lie, right?" I ask breathlessly stopping from trying to dance like Shakira. My body wasn't built for that kind of hip action, at least not while I was pregnant.

"Yeah, I think you got that point across." Harry giggled when he sees just how out of breath I am from moving my hips so fluidly.

"Ah ha! He talks!" I point at him and feel him swat away my hand looking away from me with a smile curled on the ends of his lips. "So I guess all I have to say is..." I look down at the ground and see his feet turn back to face me knowing I had grabbed his attention. "Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missin' more than just your body, oh is it too late now to say sorry? Yeah, I know that I let you down is it too late to say sorry now? I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Harry smiles at me as I sang out the hit Justin Bieber song that conveys I am sorry for the entire situation. I really did hope that he would accept my apology and see that I never meant to hurt him in any way.

"Come here!" Harry says to me with his signature dimpled smile and sparkling green eyes that are catching the light seeping through the window behind us. I come in close and let him rub his thumb over my cheek before kissing me.

"You know I can never stay mad at you. I just love you too much," he tells me in a whisper while I bite my bottom lip with a traceable grin. I can feel the blush powder against my cheeks as he says this to me.

"I really am sorry about everything, I just want you to know nothing happened at all. I wouldn't ever do that to you or our-"

"I know, I believe you. I just needed to take a time out." Harry tells me just as our fake baby begins to scream. I look on the bed to see her sitting the car seat staring with her blue glass eyes at the both of us.

"That's all you," Harry points out walking away from me and leaving me without a kiss. Faith was being a real cock block right now if I were to be completely honest. I could only see this going further when Scout came along and real life set in.

Picking up Faith I then go to work on figuring out what she needed. Someone once said when you try your best and you don't succeed try again, so that's what I did. Harry watches me from afar trying to figure out how to get Faith to stop crying. I had changed her diaper and rocked her which meant my last resort was feeding her. They had given us a breastfeeding device as well as a bottle but I found the breastfeeding device easier to use since I am a lazy bitch.

"There you go Faith! You see I am just as good as you at taking care of Faith!" I walk towards the doorway where Harry is and cut it too close, hitting Faith's head with a thud. Her neck cranks and she begins to scream again while I rub her fake plastic head as if to soften the blow.

"I am pretty sure you just gave Faith brain damage... or at the least a dented head. She may need some major faith if she has you caring for her!" Harry jokes while she wails and screams from my mishandling.

"Ha Ha Ha! You are hilarious! You and your Dad socks are real comedians!" I shout back to Harry over Faith having the definition of a fit.

"These are not Dad socks!" Harry says tying his shoes while I go on to tease him about his socks.

"Well my dad called and he said his socks were missing so I mean..." I tease him and see a little grin creep up on Harry's lips. I had grown addicted to his toothy grin and full heart shaped lips, I memorized the way his dimples carved into his cheeks and the way his eyes lit up.

"Alright my little baby abuser I will see you tonight," Harry says to me gathering everything he needed while I rock Faith and wait for him to bring me a kiss.

"Hey! I am sorry but I think you are forgetting something!" I point to my lips and bring them to a pout to make them look even more full.

"I gotta leave you wanting more!" Harry address me and runs out the front door before I huff out a breath and shake my head. I needed to sit down, I was always getting super breathless the further I got into the pregnancy.

I was ready for this baby to get out! I looked like I ate my twin sister with how big I was getting. I felt like I was constantly working out with the weight I was carrying everywhere I went. Not to mention I couldn't hold my pee even if my life were to depend on it. The only plus side to this was that I was growing a pretty impressive rack if you know what I mean. At any rate though I was ready to give birth with my uncomforability increasing everday.

N. If we can get to 7 comments I'll do a double update tomorrow fam! It's all in your hands;)

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