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October 10, 2016

"Hey," Harry whispers to me leaning back in his chair to do this; I respond back with a simple hello.

"How's it going? Busy?" Harry says in hushed tone once again causing me to smirk. Why was he whispering?

"Why are we whispering?" I ask him straight out leaning in close to see him doing the same, I follow the gesture.

"Because I want to bug Nadine." He told me as if the answer was obvious. Being so close to him I smell that cologne scent and it takes over my senses, damn he smells good.

"And how exactly is whispering going to bug Nadine?" I glance over at Nadine who is typing on her keyboard.



"Pretend to laugh!" Harry provokes as I break out in a louder laugh then needed. Just as I quiet down my laugh I see Nadine look over at Harry and me who begins to giggle randomly at me.

"What are you two laughing at?" Nadine averts her eyes to Harry and I who are whispering random things to each other than chuckling. From here I then saw what Harry was doing and how he was going to bug Nadine. By us laughing and not telling her what we were laughing it was going to bug her.

"Nothing... It's nothing." Harry responds pulling away from me and laughing to himself while winking at me with a toothy grin.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Nadine asked me as I went back to doing some paperwork for my next file. I bit my bottom lip and smile trying to ignore Nadine like Harry had told me when we were randomly whispering to each other.

"Look I have a lot of work to do..." I bit back on trying not to smile but it was proving to be very difficult with Nadine staring at me. Her brown eyes concentrating on me as if I were her prey.

"Harry you are so annoying! I hope you know that!" Nadine shouted over to Harry who leaned back in his chair and smirked at her in a mischievous way. I wonder if Harry was like this as a child and this kind of behavior carried over or maybe he had a similar personality to my twin brothers.

The day went by quickly and I got a lot more done then I had thought with the two case files I was dealing with. From drawing up divorce papers to calling clients for meetings if Harry hadn't reminded me it was lunch I would have worked right through it. I tend to get lost in my work and I was making a conscious effort to stay on task despite Harry trying to distract me every now and again.

"In the event of getting to know Madeline, we should play desert island!" Harry says peppering his sandwich he had already pre-packed for himself. Nadine and I sat at one of the tables inside the break room waiting for Harry to come over and start this game he called "desert island".

"What is desert island?" I asked opening up my chopsticks to dig into my Panda Express I bought this morning before coming into work. My stomach gurgled just smelling the reheated orange chicken that made my mouth water uncontrollably.

"It's a game Harry made up. We play with the new people in the office from time to time." Nadine explains dressing her salad I should probably be eating. I should eat healthier then I do but I'm not a healthy bitch. It's not that I don't want to but I like Panda Express and cheese a lot more.

"Five movies you would bring to the island and keep in mind you will be watching these same movies for the rest of your life." Harry comes with his sandwich and sits comfortably next to me.

"Five movies I have to watch for the rest of my life..." I trail trying to come up with my favorite five movies. I try and think long and hard about this but finally come up with the five movies I would watch on repeat for the rest of my life.

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