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November 22, 2016

"I'm just going to make a fool out of myself!" I huff adjusting my white tennis dress I had bought for the occasion. At least if I had to go and play I thought I would at least look cute. The dress is pleated and sleeveless with a Peter Pan collar and my hands smooth over it as I stare in the mirror at myself.

I tie my hair back into a high ponytail and sigh out in an over exaggerated way causing my mother to peek her head into my bathroom. Her thick black hair is loosely curled and her makeup done flawlessly like always, I had become jealous of how pretty my mom was and wondered why I didn't get her good genes.

"What are you moaning about?" My mother asked as I pulled out a few strands of hair from my ponytail. I look at her with a grumpy face in the mirror and go on to respond.

"Momma I'm going to look like a complete idiot out there! You know how un-athletic I am!" I slump folding my arms in my chest and look at her through the mirror.

"I'm sorry I did not bless you with an athletic bone in your body." She said to me looking me up and down before adding, "What I would give to watch you play today!" She cackled leaving me in the bathroom until I followed after her.

"Thanks for being so comforting Momma! Really appreciate it!" I call after her running into Cody who has is eyes glued to his phone. His black hair is sloppy looking and undone as I look at him. He is still wearing his red flannel pajama pants and an oversized black t-shirt he had worn to bed.

He lazily walks past me and into his bedroom where he shuts the door behind him and I continue to walk into our main living space.

"Since when do you dress sporty?" Gabe asks upon my arrival into the living room where I take a seat on the couch next to him. I pull on my white socks and tie my laces on my all white shoes.

"I don't, Talia and Niall wanted to play tennis for our double date so here I am," I say tying bows with my laces just to hear Gabe snort at what I had just told him.

"The amount of money I would pay to watch that!" I nudge him hard in the arm when I hear him poking fun at how un-athletic I am. I already knew this was a problem and didn't need Gabe rubbing it in.

"Shut up you chode!" I roll my eyes and stand up to go back into my bedroom where I left my phone. Harry would be here any minute and I needed to take this time to take a chill pill. All I had to do was act confident and like I knew what I was doing.

I grab my phone and shake out all my nervousness in doing so I look over to see Cody passing by in the hall. He gives me a weirded out expression when we make eye contact. Scratching the back of his head he then cracks a smile and begins to mimic the way I danced around.

"Shake it off! Shake it off! Woo-hoo-ooh!" He sang to me causing me to place my hands on my hips and give him a look.

"I'm nervous!" I defend as he keeps going on his way down the hall shouting out the Taylor Swift lyrics. I catch up to him and rush past him when I hear the horn of Harry's car. "And the haters gonna, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate!" I finished slamming the door and pacing to Harry's car that stuck out like a sore thumb. His car was impeccably clean and way too nice to be parked in this neighborhood. Not that I lived in the ghetto by any means but anyone with a car like that wouldn't be living in this neighborhood.

"You look cute in your little outfit!" Harry complimented scanning me up and down with that dimpled smile I never got tired of seeing.

Good! My outer appearance was going to hopefully distract him from how bad I was about to play in this game. I wonder if Harry wanted an athletic girl he could play sports with, in which case I was the complete opposite.

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