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February 15, 2017

"Could you please just behave yourself for this next hour please?" I ask Zayn as we walk into the large law firm. I had picked a lawyer who was far away from where I worked on purpose. I didn't want to run into anyone I knew, I just wanted all of this to disappear without anyone knowing it was even there to begin with.

"Yes, mom I will be on my best behavior and remember to use my inside voice." He pesters me thinking he is a real comedian. He was always making up little comments twenty-four seven and today he was on my last nerve.

I wasn't equipped to deal with Zayn and his antics. Ever since I had woken up this morning my stomach churned inside itself making me feel extremely nauseated. Despite my upset stomach, I was determined to be here today, I was counting down the minutes to end this nightmare.

"Hi, I'm Madeline Vega, I am here with my..." I look over at Zayn who is staring into his phone camera and frantically taking selfies. Dear lord, please just kill me right now. "Husband to see Mr. Payne."

"Ah yes! I will let Liam know you are here." The receptionist assisted me causing me to thank her and take a seat next to Zayn. I swear I married a child.

"You couldn't wear anything nicer to this?" I questioned him seeing his black-sleeved tank top. The torso part of his shirt was white and read Bondi Ink, as I looked him up and down.

"I've been working today, I didn't have to time to change and are you implying this isn't nice? That's a little rude and judgmental." Zayn goes on giving me a headache with all his talking. I prop my elbows up on my knees and place my face into my hands. I really didn't want to get into it with Zayn right now so I was going to block him out while we waited.

"What's wrong with you? You seem off." Zayn notices that I'm not playing into his stupidity and calls me out on it. I was off and I was the first to admit it, I felt an overwhelming sickness brew in my stomach.

"I just want to get this over with the sooner the better," I tell Zayn pulling myself back up and see Liam in the doorway with a warm smile and nicely pressed suit.

"Are you two ready?" He asks me as I stand up and nudge Zayn who is preoccupied with something else. He was always playing or doing something.

"Yes, thank you for seeing us I know you weren't accepting new clients but I really appreciate it," I tell Liam as he brings us back into his office. It is a significantly smaller space than Lachlan but it still has that luxury vibe with the paint and decor choices.

"Of course, anything to help this difficult process along." Liam takes a seat behind his desk while Zayn and I take our seats. I get overwhelmingly nauseated sitting down and try to situate myself.

"My wifey here is always in a rush... always rushing in... and out..." Zayn comments and I know exactly what he is trying to elude to. I pray that Liam won't catch on to what he is talking about and kick his foot to warn Zayn I wasn't going to put up with it today.

"So this is a joint agreement? You both came to a mutual agreement that this is what you want?" Liam asks and I am quick to respond before Zayn can say something stupid or make a joke about our sex life.

"Yes," I answer eagerly, I had been waiting since December 28th to get this all squared away and done.

"Whatever the princess wants, Whatever my wifey wants she gets." Zayn pipes in taking my face and gently caressing it like we were in some romantic movie. I slap away his hand and see him recoil from the initial hit.

"Alright, are there any children in the picture that we need to talk custody?" Liam writes a few notes down on the file that was sitting on his desk. It probably held mine and Zayn's vague information like our place of employment and insurance.

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