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Thursday, October 13, 2016

All week long I had been coming up with different ways to get Harry to ask me out. Phase one, get him to bone at how hot I was, check! Phase two, be flirty and let him know you are wanting to be more than just work buddies, check! Trust me phase two took a lot of extra flirting that I didn't even know I had in me. I knew he was the flirtatious type so I thought I should turn up the heat when it came to that.

"I think today is the day Mads!" My mother came around putting her hands on my shoulder as I poured myself a cup of coffee. I was feeling confident that today was going to be the day that Harry asked me out. With that also came a lot of pressure since tomorrow was Friday, the day that leads into the weekend, the weekend I was planning on spending with Harry.

"Don't jinx it, momma!" I say to feeling her arms drop from my shoulders. I sit at the dinner table and try to collect my thoughts. Today was a big day and just like on my first day of work I had jitters. Bringing the mug up to my lips I feel the steam of the hot coffee on my lips before its all taken away.

"Hey!" I stammer turning to see my mother making her way past me with my mug and hot coffee. I fold my arms and tilt my head in disapproval, I part my lips and see my mother sipping on my freshly brewed coffee.

"You just brushed your teeth mi amor you can't be drinking coffee now!" My mother takes a sip and dramatically afterward says "Ahhh!" with a smile.

"Ah, I was planning on brushing my teeth again when I got to work...duh!"

"You can't lie to me Madeline, I am your mother and as your mother, I know you aren't that ambitious!" She says in her thick Spanish accent and flicking her hand at me while I frown and stand up to grab my purse and phone.

"I could be if I wanted to!" I shouted at my mother before shutting the door and heading off to work.


Today had been very slow, to say the least, and I was chocking it up to Harry not asking me out. The morning was pretty much the same as the others had been, it all started with Harry teasing Nadine and Nadine saying that Harry was annoying and more like a child than an adult. This was all very routine now in the second week I have been here, I was understanding the dynamics of how everything worked.

Morning slid right into the afternoon and on that time Harry, Nadine, and I had gone out to lunch like we always did. Only this time it was the entire squad instead of that one time I got Harry alone for lunch. The details of that weren't all that juicy. It was just Harry and I starting to get to know each other through another one of his games. This time it wasn't desert island, this time it was who would you sleep with, in which I had to name off 3 people I would sleep with.

The game mostly resulted in Harry laughing at me while I would then go on to defend myself in my choices and him teasing me which he found much happiness in. If I am being honest I don't mind his teasing I actually enjoy playing around with him.

It is only an hour before it's time to head home and I am beginning to get a little discouraged. I thought for sure when he and I were alone together waiting for Nadine to pinch it off he would have asked me out. I probably was reeking of desperation but I didn't really care all that much, I wanted what I wanted.

I tap my pencil against my notepad and try to be productive but there was just nothing to do. I sit bored which is surprising since I am sitting next to Harry, Harry the man who claims to be the king of fun. He gave himself this title as you can probably guess, he informed me of his title the day we went out to lunch just the two of us.

"Can you be any more annoying?" Harry asks me as I look up from my two lines of notes I had scribbled out.

"Yes." I nod dropping my pencil and go to my pencil holder to grab a black pen that is retractable. Looking over at him I begin to click the pen a few times to prove I can up my levels of annoying. I see how long it takes him to say something which is a total of about 30 seconds give or take.

"I am beginning to see why they call you an overachiever." Harry plays as I pick up my speed in clicking my pen.

"I like to exceed in everything I do." I play back enjoying annoying Harry who I can tell is trying really hard to ignore the annoying sound of the clicking pen.

"Everything?" Harry arched a brow and I slap his arm causing him to wiggle his brows right after.

"Get your mind out of the gutter boy!" I tell him maybe a little too loud. I should be talking however, my mind was in the gutter right next to Harry's every time he hit me up with that smile and those dimpled cheeks.

"That's probably really hard for him since his mind is in the gutter twenty-four seven thinking about yo-" Nadine starts in but pauses with wide eyes and a loss for words. I twist my head back to look at Harry beginning to clear his throat. His face is lighting up with a red pigment and I begin to put the pieces together.

Did Harry talk about me to Nadine?!

"I have a lot of work to do so I am just going to ummm.. yeah.. you know..." Nadine gets out awkwardly going back to what she was doing before very slowly.

I smirk to myself and go back to what I was doing which was... well it was nothing. I mindlessly doodled on my notepad random things that popped into my mind and right now there were hearts. I must have drawn the heart face emoji at least five times just thinking about Nadine's little slip up. It appeared to me that what plan had worked, Harry was thinking about me.

"Hey Madeline, wait up!" Harry called after me just I begin to make my way to the elevators. I stall for a couple seconds and bring my head up to see Harry pacing towards me. The way he runs reminds me of Bay Watch when they run in slow motion on the beach. His bob lengthed curly hair his bouncing from the way he is running and it's all happening in slow motion for me.

"What's up?" I ask as soon as he is caught up to me and we start to make our way to the elevators.

"You know I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out on Saturday." Harry comes straight causing an internal relief to wash over me. I had done it! I thanked my little black dress over and over again in my head for making this possible.

"I would really like that." I give him a little smile as we ride the elevator down to the lobby floor. My heart is beating out of my chest and I am hoping he doesn't see the blush that is coming on. "I actually thought you would never ask," I mumble more to myself than anyone else.

"What?" Harry looks back over at me and a shake my head.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything. So what are you planning?" We get down to the lobby where we both exit out of the elevator.

"A man never reveals his secrets!" Harry tells me as we stroll out to the parking lot where we go our separate ways. I turn to see him walking towards his car and break out in a full-fledged dance.

Breaking out all the dance moves I could think of I chant quietly "I did it!" I bask in my victory and reflect on how all my hard work had paid off. Everything was perfect right now which was strange because usually everything that could have gone wrong didn't. I guess they always say there is a calm before the storm but as for right now, I am going to ride out the calm for as long as I could.

Pulling my phone out I dialed my momma to tell her my amazing news. I was so overwhelmed with excitement for Saturday I only wished it could come sooner.

"Mom! It happened!"

N. Chapter 8 is my favorite which I will be letting out later today! Wish me luck I'm getting a consult for my wisdoms teeth removal!!

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