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October 31, 2016

"Why did I agree to do this?" Harry complains all dressed up in his costume that I had cleverly stolen from an old man in Target.

I was dressed as Miley Cyrus, sporting a gray mouse face leotard with my hair up in the two classic buns and to top it all off, I carried a foam finger.

"Because it's fun and this is what you do on Halloween and maybe by confronting your fear head on you can concur it!" I explain to Harry seeing that we were next up. My body was a mixed emotion of fear and excitement as I saw the entrance of the haunted house I had chosen.

"Aye Miley! I adore you!" A man from a few rows back sang dramatic to me. I whirl around to see the man was dressed as Thor. His fake stringy blonde wig runs past his shoulders and I laugh to myself. Bending over I do my best to twerk it out for him, I get a few laughs and cheers after I finish. Sticking my tongue out I flash everyone the rock on sign just as Harry and I reach the entrance.

"Madeline I don't know about this! I don't know if I can go through with it." I see Harry begin to sweat and at the mere thought of his terror, I start to feel a little bad I'm making him do this.

"I'll be right here the entire time. Just remember, none of it is real, all of it is fake." I reassure him feeling his hand instantly latch around mine. His palms are sweaty but I don't pay much mind to it as I lead us into the "Distorted Dreams". I wasn't going to kid myself, I had picked one hell of a haunted attraction. Even I was ready to shit my pants as a chill ran down my spine.

"It's all fake, it's not real," I repeat just as the flashing lights come on and we find ourselves in a long corridor filled with dusty old portraits that hung on the long hall. Whispers circulate the hallway and I gulp relaxing just how scared I actually am.

The yellow dull lights flicker as we keep a slow pace to where the hall turns into red lighting. I'm nervously glancing around to see the somber portraits that are adding to my uneasiness. Harry's hand tightens around mine and I can feel my hand numbing from Harry holding on so tightly. It is cold as we make it to the end of the hallway, the red lights are casting eerie looking shadows.

"Oooh shit." I hear a tiny whimper from Harry as he cowers back. I am confused but make eye contact with what he is seeing and immediately feel unnerved by the sight.

"This isn't real." I remind the both of us as I make direct eye contact with an eerie looking clown rocking in a chair in the corner of where we were supposed to go. His face was covered over with white and his black eyes enhanced with black eye shadow that is messily applied. Decapitated heads are strung around him as he stares at me intently.

I take the first step and Harry follows very close behind. Our bodies are against each other as I walk past the clown with much hesitation. I can feel his black eyes watching me even when we walk away and that alone is enough to send chills down my spine. Moans are audibly heard as we keep walking down dark hallways and rooms, each one unique in the frights that are upon it.

"Oh, Jesus Jesus!" I swear seeing women with long black hair down to her waist and a white Jason mask appears by my side. She gets too close to comfort and I feel Harry release my hand and make a mad dash.

"Harry!" I scream not knowing how far ahead he had gotten as I try and run after him. Nothing is worse than being scared alone without anyone else but the strangers behind masks and makeup.

My heart is beating out of my chest as I hear those whispers again that tell me to turn back. They repeat this and it gets louder causing a shudder to trickle down my entire body. "Harry!" I call for him again but it's no use over this loud whispering.

I swallow a nervous whimper that is fighting me to come out and continue into another room where I see shadows casting against the walls. I come into the room slowly knowing that there is someone there, I get the feeling that someone is always watching even if you can't see them. I whirl around and see a man strapped down with a bag over his head, he thrashes around and screams causing me to jump back and hit into another white masked person.

"Shit!" I scream making a dash for the next door where I run into yet another body. I scream but calm down a little when I see it is Harry standing still looking at what is causing extreme fright.

"Look, man, we just want to get out of here!" I see a psychotic smile curl onto the man's sickly white lips and I begin to bargain with god. Harry's hands fasten around my hand once again as we both stand in the doorway of the last room in the house.

I see a clown pull at what he is holding and ignite the roaring sound of a chainsaw. I feel a tiny warm sensation trickle down my bare legs at the frightening sound. He laughs evilly and I begin to sweat like a banshee as he comes charging towards us. My hand is hooked around Harry's and we run into a different room that is cold against my skin.

"HIDE!" I whisper to Harry as I see lockers line the wall. I'm shaking uncontrollably and we both part way into the lockers to hide. My slap a hand over my mouth to quiet my heavy breathing. I hear the roar of the chainsaw and peek through the locker slots. He paces around the room and exists after about 30 seconds or so.

I burst out of the locker and Harry does the same, hooking my hand to his we make a mad dash for the exit. I pushed the door open with all my strength and feel the clear air from outside. I inhale deeply and turn to see Harry throwing up a few inches away from the door.

"Are you okay?" I touch his back lightly and smell that wafting throw up that's lurking around him.

"I've never been so scared in my whole entire life!" Harry tells me standing up from being crouched over. I agree with him but see his attention is elsewhere.

"Did you wet yourself?" A smile forming all so slowly on his lips as I look down to see what he was referring to.

"No, I just... someone threw water at me!" I stammer when I see him chuckle at the wet spot on my costume that is as clear as day.

"They threw water just at your crotch?" Harry takes my hand and swings it back and forth as we walk to the car. I smile at the ground feeling Harry's hand swinging my arm.

"Hey, Miley! If you're not ready to go home can I get a hell no?!" Someone shouted at me as Harry and I came close to the parking lot. I cranked my head around and raise a middle finger in the air.

"I think I'm ready to go home," I tell Harry leaning my head on his arm as we walk. He pulls his arm up and around my shoulder causing me to rest my head on his chest as we walk under the moonlight of the full moon.

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