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February 16, 2017

I jolt up in my bed, I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all night long. I was growing exhausted with these vomit spells, I could barely open my eyes. I groan and hold my stomach knowing what is about to come. I kneel down on the floor and put my face into the toilet tiredly. My arms are limply arranged around the bowl as I lay my head on my arms.

"Mi amour are you okay?" I hear my mother's voice in the silent sleeping house. She flicks on the lights and I blink rapidly to try and adjust to the light change. She walks over and holds my hair away from my face and I hurl a little more into the toilet.

"Just really tired is all, I'm sorry I woke you. I was trying to be quiet."I tell her in between throwing up. I hear another pair of footsteps and look up briefly but put my head back down once again.

"Could you be quiet for 5 minutes you are making my stomach hurt just listening to you." Cody's voice is groggy and I hear my mother answer for me seeing as I was struggling to hold a conversation.

"My nose hurts smelling that morning breath so I guess that makes us even." My mother says and if I wasn't bent over the toilet releasing my guts I would have laughed.

"You are so savage!" Cody says and walks away as I lay back on my arm. I take a few deep breaths and feel a little relief from emptying my stomach. Usually, the stomach flu or food poisoning only lasted about 24 hours and we were coming up on that mark and I was barely feeling relief.

"What did you eat yesterday?" My mom asks as I lay and think about yesterday.

"A few cups of coffee and a strawberry pop tart, that's it! The only thing I could think would be the pop tart but I doubt that is causing all of this." I tell her as my eyes are feeling more weighted, I yawn and try to stay awake but fail miserably.

"In the morning I will go to the store and grab you some things to settle your stomach, okay?" My mother says stroking my hair softly as I moan out a response and begin to snore at my fatigue. "Try and get some sleep." She kisses my forehead and unravels her fingers from my hair. She switches off the light and I am out cold, using my arms as pillows I am propped up against the toilet.


"Can I just tell you all how excited I am to go through menopause? I'm so over periods." My mother says as she mixes up the batter for the pancakes she is making. "No more baby making for me."

"But we can still go through the process right?" My father asks scrambling the eggs that are making me queasy. The smell alone is enough to do me in for, I had to get away from it.

That's when I begin to recount a few things. I was late... very very late! I am never late! My heartbeat exhilarates and I shoot up from my barstool. It couldn't be possible, I can't be... no, I am not even going to say the word. I am not going to say it because it isn't going to be a thing.

I run to my purse where I grab my wallet and keys before bolting out the door in my gray oversized tee shirt that came down to my thighs and my black vans I had slid on getting out. I get questions as to where I am going but I have to get out of there pronto, I need to get to the nearest gas station. I get a buzz from my phone and see I have an incoming call from my mother, I had to come up with a lie once again.

"Hello?" I answer keeping my hands on the wheel as my phone links up with my car. Her voice comes booming from the speakers so I turn the dial down to lessen the volume.

"Where are you going?" She asks and I am forced to come up with something on the spot.

"I am going to the gas station to get more Sprite, I drank all of it this morning and it really helps my stomach." I'm not really lying if I tell her this, it was true the Sprite suppressed the nausea and I had drunk the entire liter my mother had bought me early this morning.

"Cody or Gabe could have gone, I don't want you driving when you are sick." She insists but I find a little gas station just a little bit out of our neighborhood. I pull into the parking lot and assure her that I was already at my destination and that I promised I would be safe.

I burst into the door and race to the part of the store where they ironically have condoms next to the pregnancy tests. Then it dawns on me, I don't remember Harry putting on a condom! Everything happened so quickly we had forgotten, now my memory is fuzzy and I don't even know if Zayn wore a condom! I pick up 7 different tests ranging from Clear Blue to First Response, I wasn't going to take any chances. With my arms full of tests I set them down on the counter in front of the tired looking women who looks unenthused with me.

"Do you have a problem?" I ask her when she stares at me with dull eyes.

"What are all these tests for?" She then goes to scan one test at a time slower then it took to take a tour of Miami. This couldn't be happening, it wasn't going to happen.

"Hmmm that's a good question... what are PREGNANCY tests for..." I am sarcastic trying to hold back my anger. She was the slowest person I have ever met in my entire life. "You know what I'm just going to piss on them and see what happens!"

"Thirty-four- ninety-two." The women who closely resembled Jabba the Hutt looks up at me with her puffy face. Her voice sounds exactly like the slug on Monsters Inc, you know the one that always says "I'm watching you Wazowski, always watching".

I hand her some cash and see her very slowly slide me my remaining change. My patience is wearing very thin with this women working in slow motion. Heat is rising to my cheeks and I feel my emotions getting a little out of control at this point if she doesn't pick up the pace.

She finally hands me the bag of test and I swipe it from her and bolt to the bathroom. My biggest fears coming true as I see the public toilet, it makes me want to barf. The smell is horrendous and horror music is playing in my mind as my eyes narrow in on the state of the toilet.

I wrap toilet paper over the toilet five or six times making sure that my ass or skin for that matter would not come in contact with the seat. I open up a few of the boxes and decide to pee on all of them at once. Arranging them in my hand I slip them all under where I begin to urinate. All kinds of thoughts are running through my mind at this point as I sit in the grimy bathroom stall. This couldn't be happening to me.

I turn the tests in my hand to make sure they are all getting nicely seasoned. I try to calm my building nerves but sitting in this shit ass smelling bathroom I'm finding it hard to soothe myself. I go back to the night with Zayn and try to remember everything, had he used a condom? I knew Harry hadn't used one and that was on me, we got caught up in the moment and nothing else mattered to me.

"Just breathe, this isn't anything you just have a bug... and maybe this bug has delayed your period! Yeah! That has to be it!" I whisper to myself as I finish up my business in the stall and pull the tests out from under myself. I find the designated caps and secure all the tests before wiping and cleaning myself up. I dump the tests into the bag Jabba had given me and go to wash my hands, looking into the mirror I see sweat pouring down my forehead.

"I have to use the shitter! Damn Daryl!" A woman with a truck stop shirt and oversized flannel barges into the bathroom. Her bottle blonde hair is frizzy and short as she flips it and comes into the bathroom. "Men, I swear!" She scoffs before finding her stall.

I hurry out to my car and sit on the driver's side and pull one of the tests out to see my results since I had waited the full two minutes for my results. My eyes widen and my heart bursts out of my chest.

"No!" I dig into the bag again and pull out the Clear Blue test to see the same result. "No!" I dump out the rest of the tests and begin to have an anxiety attack. All the tests read positive for pregnancy.

"Holy shit! This isn't happening to me! No!" I fought with myself. These at home tests aren't even accurate anyways! The only real way to know if I'm actually pregnant is to have my OB check.

I had to call my doctors office and get in pronto! Plus my doctor loved me I'm sure he could fit me in either today or tomorrow. I had to put these positives to the real test, I wasn't satisfied with these results. I dial up the office quicker than Kim Kardashian divorced Kris Humphries.

"Hey Veronica, I'm calling to make an appointment... it's an emergency..."

N. Thoughts? I'm honestly loving writing this and can't wait to update as much as possible!

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