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December 28, 2016

It had taken me an entire week to find the person I was looking for. My entire Christmas break was consumed with trying to figure out how to find him. I had been dodging Harry with his sexual advances but it wasn't because I didn't want to go ham on that boy, trust me... the things I would do to him were playing around in my imagination. I just had to clear my conscience because if I didn't I would feel more guilty than anything else.

"Mi Amour, where are you going?" My father asks as he flips through one of my mother's People magazines trying to pretend he isn't entertained even though we all knew he loved that shit.

"Talia's I left my.... um, I left my Mophie over there." I tried to not sound suspicious but honestly I  like I have said am the world's worst liar. None of my family knew who this person I was seeking out was, I had kept it all a secret. I never thought I would have needed to come in contact with them again but circumstances had changed.

"Sure, you know Mads you can just tell me you are going to see Harry. I already know that's where you are going." My dad arched his brow causing me to blush at him catching me in my lie. Although he hadn't completely caught me, he didn't know where I was really going. He wouldn't have a clue.

"Ah yep, you got me red handed." I snapped like Swiper on Dora the Explorer and gathered my phone and bag that hung on the dining room chair. I had already put the address in Google Maps and was all set to arrive at my destination.

"Just be home before midnight please, you know how worried your Mother gets." My father tells me as I fumble for my keys that were buried in the depths of my bag. I should really clean it out but that was low on my priorities since I knew it was just going to get cluttered 5.8 seconds after I clean it out.

"Alright love you, Papa!" I call to him and hurry to my car where I jump in and speed off. I pay close attention to where Google Maps is taking me and get a little uneasy as I arrive at the more dirty part of town. I park and stare up at the large brick building taking in a few deep breaths, for some reason I was nervous to have to do this.

I look down at my phone to see the apartment door number I had typed out, 45. I head into the building and find my way to the elevator where I press the needed floor number. I was going mad with anxiety with each floor passing until I reached my needed destination. The white tile is sticky against my black high top converse and I internally shudder. I walk down a short hallway till I find the apartment number I needed. I stand there with my hand in a fist but can't find it in me to knock on the door. I blow out a deep breath and close my eyes to knock. Here we go.

I hear rustling and a voice on the other side of the door and I knew it belonged to him. The door opens and he stands right in front of me with a look of surprise but this quickly changes to that mischievous smirk I always wanted to slap off his face.

"Ayyyye baby face, long time no see!"

"Can we cut the shit Zayn? I am only here for one reason and one reason only." He looks exactly the same as he did when I left him. The only different thing about him was that he had added a few more tattoos to his arms. He wears an oversized muscle tank and baggier jeans that had paint splatters on them like I had remembered.

"For my body? I don't know if you have noticed but I have been going to the gym more lately-" he goes to pull his shirt up but I push his hand back down and push him into his apartment.

"No, Zayn I-" he cuts me off right back and my irritation is growing with each passing minute.

"I know why you are here baby face, say no more," Zayn tells me wagging his index finger. He then goes to pull off his tank top and proceeds to place my hands on his abs. "You know, you only had to ask."

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