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October 11, 2016

"Okay I know we only just met but can I just say you look hot?!" Nadine's eyes tracked down my body at the choice of clothing I had chosen this morning. I would agree that I looked like a hot piece of ass.

Not only had I gotten up early to straighten my hair but I also dug into my closet to find a perfect little black dress. I had only worn it once and it seemed to attract men since well... I had defiantly attracted someone the night I wore it.

I had also made sure my eyeliner was sharper than Harry's jawline which trust me was not easy. I feel like someone had punched me in the eye from how many times I scrubbed at my eyes if I made even a little mistake on my eyeliner. This was phase one of my plan and hopefully, this whole sexy get-up would make up for my little comment yesterday.

"Nah, we are friends! Not to mention our little conversation about Ed Sheeran yesterday but I think we are allowed to tell each other these things." I nodded at Nadine and saw Harry walk in from the side. He was dressed in a white collared shirt and black slacks that were tightened to his waist with a belt.

"Madeline you look..." Harry's eyes scanned my body up and down as soon as he spotted me. He stopped his tracks and admired my body from a few feet away. I was loving the attention and I wasn't sure why I didn't wear this dress more often. Actually, scratch that I knew why but I didn't want to think about that right now. "Really nice."

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself," I tell him as he sits down at his desk still dazed by my outer appearance. As me being extra I also thought I would throw on some red lipstick to top it all off which just brought the entire look together.

"Where did you get that dress?" Nadine keeps staring at my black dress that I can't help but love because of how flattering it is. It shows off my little curves and also isn't too short, it was a classy dress that never failed to exceed my expectations.

"Express I think..." I enlighten her even though I am not even sure if that is where I got the dress in the first place. It was either Express or Pac Sun I wasn't one hundred percent sure which is funny considering this dress has literally changed my life, well, my love life that is.

"A little black dress is essential in any girl's closet and I need one!" Nadine rants to me going on to explain that the dresses she has tried have never really fit her the right way. She told me there was always something wrong with the dress whether it be the fit, length, style, there was always something not right.

"I would love to stay and chat but I have a meeting in 5 so I am going to prep the conference room, are we still on for lunch later?" I twirl turning around in my dress to face Harry again because like I have said before I am extra.

"Yeah, I will see you at lunch!" Harry responds to me as I walk away with the file in my arms. I make sure to shake my hips as I walk just in case Harry was watching me without me knowing. I was going to bring my A game and so far it was working. I would basically taste my weekend date with Harry.

It didn't take long for my client Mrs. Brooks, a soon to be single mother to come in. She looked tired from the bags she tried to hide with makeup and the way she carried herself in here today. Paris had brought her back and directed her to the conference room I had reserved for our meeting today.

"Mrs. Brooks its very nice to meet you my name is Madeline." I stood up to shake the frail women's hand. She looked a little malnourished to me by the way her hand seemed to feel more like that of a skeleton. Clearly, her situation had been eating at her and caused her large amounts of stress.

"Oh please call me Stephanie!" The women with blonde curly hair and dull gray eyes smiled at me with what energy she had left in her.

"Alright Stephanie feel free to take a seat and we can get started." We both sit in the rolling chairs and I open up her file to remind me of the details of her case. She was a looking to get divorced from her husband that had a history of violence and substance abuse. She was also seeking full custody of their 2-year-old son Daniel.

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