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"Look at you pretty girl!" Anne's voice rises in pitch as she comes in with arms full of balloons and flower bursting out every angle of her arms. Harry sits with Scout in the rocking chair next to my bed as I greet the Styles family inside. Anne's eyes every to Harry and Scout as her hand grips around Harry's finger.

"How are you feeling darling?" Anne asks me setting the flowers down on my bedside table and the balloons in the corner right next to the table.

"Really tired," I laugh pressing the button on my bed to incline the mattress.

"I'm sorry to say love but that's only going to get worse!" Harry's dad informs me laughing taking a seat on the couch across from my bed. I look over at Harry as we both agree that from these moments on we will defiantly be sleep deprived.

"Let me see this little cutie," Anne says walking over to Harry and bending over the arm of the chair to see Scout. She crouches down and smiles brightly at her little face causing Harry to grin at his mother's reaction to our small baby. "She is perfect, look at those little rosy cheeks!" Anne strokes a finger over Scout's naturally pink cheeks and madly grins.

"We were all worried about you after we got the call from Harry that you were severely hemorrhaging," Gemma speaks up and leans up aginst the wall next to the bathroom I never had a use for. I hadn't gotten up once to go to the bathroom since they had threaded a catheter or as Louis likes to call it my big yellow purse.

"I don't really remember it if I'm honest, I remember having Scout placed on my chest and then being really tired but I guess everything seemed to work out since I am alive and well," I say to Gemma while Harry hands Scout off to Anne carefully. He was so delicate with her as if he were handling a glass doll, always making sure to use precaution with her small fragile body.

"We are just glad you two are both okay, we also heard you went natural! You are a strong woman!" Gemma tells me while Anne sits down next to Dez on the couch for him to see the new addition to the family.

"Trust me I didn't go natural by choice! I begged for the epidural but they told me with how far along in labor I was it wouldn't do anything for me." I begin on my tale of the delivery, "But she was worth every single shooting contraction I ever had."

"She is precious!" Anne gushes while Harry smiles brightly at his parents and Gemma who are swooning over Scout who is wrapped up snug in her blanket the hospital seemed to have an endless supply of.

"Thank you!" I observe Harry's family falling completely in love with their new grandchild... well I only hoped she was a Styles. Nothing was for certain until those results were signed, sealed, and delivered to me.

"So when do you head out of this joint?" Dez asks me as the nurse comes in and serves me my dinner that consisted of plastic tasting Lasagna, stall garlic bread, and a cup of Nesquick chocolate milk. Chelsea places the tray on my bedtable that sits hovering over my lap as I thank her for all that she does. I wanted to make sure Chelsea felt appreciated for everything she was doing for me since I knew this wasn't an easy job. I wanted to make her job as painless as possible since she had been phenomenal with getting me things I needed and also tending to Scout if ever I needed sleep. I was taking advantage of the nursery as much as possible since this was the only time I could gather any needed sleep.

"Tomorrow afternoon is my check out," I say feeling a little strange eating in front of everyone. I didn't want to be rude but I was starving... well as starving as you can get in a hospital. "I'm sorry I hate to be rude and eat in front of everyone..."

"Don't be! We've already eaten!" Anne says as I sit up and begin to eat my food slowly. The taste of fake tomato sauce hits my taste buds and underwhelms me but I remind myself that this isn't a hotel nor was it Harry's cooking.

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