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Friday, October 28, 2016

"I think we need to talk Halloween costumes!" I say hearing Harry audibly groan and tilt his head up to the ceiling. He is back in his white button up and black slacks and honestly he can do both. He can pull off the sleek businessman and the casual I'm going to a pumpkin patch look.

"Now I was thinking about going for a group costume type thing." I start in pulling up my list of possible ideas for costumes for our big date night.

"You got Harry to dress up for Halloween?" Nadine puts her spoon down and gives me an amazed expression once I nod to confirm her question.

"Do you want to come to the haunted house with us on Halloween?" I offer to Nadine kinda hoping she says no so that I can have some more one on one time with Harry. Our first date had gone really well and I couldn't wait for this next one.

"As much as I would love to see Harry shit his pants I can't. I have this family party I have to go to since I skipped out on the last 3." I sigh a breath of relief in my head when she politely declines my offer to tag along with Harry and I.

"Alright well if you change your mind you are welcome to join." I tell Nadine going back to my short list of ideas I had for Harry and I. "Mkay so here are your options, we could do Stranger Things and go as Elevan and Mike, Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweeper, or and this is my personal favorite, Miley Cyrus, and Robin Thicke."

"I already agreed to go to this stupid house, why do we have to dress up?" He whines coming over and slumped in his seat like a child.

"Because that's what you do on Halloween!" I stress to him as he picks up his drink and sips it rolling his eyes playfully.

"If you don't tell me what you prefer then I'm going to just pick." I taunt him hearing him let out a long groan. "Boy if you don't stop groaning at me!"

"Fine whatever you want I don't care." He shakes his head and I smile already knowing what I wanted. I was going to go with Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke since Harry wanted to be as normal as possible, I thought I would take it easier on him.

"Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke it is! Do you want to go shopping after work? Maybe after grab something to eat?" I offer wanting to spend more time with Harry before Halloween. I thought we could make this a cute little mini date.

"Sounds good to me." He says through a mouthful of grilled cheese that is stretchy like the pizza on Ninja Turtles.


"We need to find you a black and white suit which shouldn't be too hard." I cycled through a bunch of suit coats but wasn't finding quite what I was looking for. "We're going for a dressy referee vibe."

"What about your costume? I doubt you are going to find a mouse looking leotard." Harry points out looking through a rack not too far from me.

"I'm a crafty bitch so I'll probably make mine," I answer still trying to search this place until I found what I was looking for. I was determined to find Harry a black and white striped suit so he could be Robin Thicke for Halloween.

After stripping the entire men's department of their suits I sat my hands on my hips and huffed. There wasn't anything close to what I was looking for and it was bumping me out, to say the least.

"Aw well, I guess we can't dress up, oh well! Let's go get something to eat." Harry shrugged wanting to give up way too easily.

And then I saw it! An old man with gray hairs on top of his head strolling with a black and white stripped suit. He looked about 60 years old with his wrinkled face and neck. There was our Robin Thicke!

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