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June 21, 2017 (22 weeks)

"Where are we going?" I grasp onto Harry's hand hoping he isn't guiding me into some trap of some sort. I had my fair share of doing that to others which made me weary of people like me.

"For the forty-fifth time I can't tell you, you just have to trust me," Harry tells me while I walk in complete darkness. I am careful and slow as I walk nervously thinking I might run into a wall or trip over a crack in the sidewalk. I know we are outside from the smell of the freshly watered lawn and cool spring breeze.

"Last time I trusted you was last week and you said we weren't going to Netflix and chill and what did we do? We had raging animalistic ass sex!" I tell him thinking about how amazing it felt. I had been such a horny bitch over the past month and for reasons I wasn't sure. Was it pregnancy hormones? Usually, women became more fatigued causing their sex drive to decrease so what was my deal?

I must say however it was weird as hell during the initial intimate moments. With my protruding stomach becoming between us I found myself less agile. Not to mention I felt like the baby was with use and listening to us having intense sex. It's a weird thought really now that I think about it, I hope we haven't scarred her for the rest of her life. Damn, she wasn't even born yet and we may have ruined her natural born life!

Originally I had told Harry no sex during my pregnancy, therefore, I didn't want to do the old Netflix and chill yet somehow at some point watching American Horror Story it had kicked the both of us into high gear. Harry and I had attacked each other in passionate kissing while he ripped my clothes off me to reveal my bare skin.

"You have to admit that was some pretty epic sex!" Harry justifies and I had to agree with him. It was pretty epic with only the thought of it.

"Okay you have to be very very quiet," Harry tells me causing my cheeks to flush and my arm hairs to stand up. The hairs on my neck pricking up when I hear what Harry had to say.

"I don't want to go!" I stall and fall back into his arms trying to back up but finding it nearly impossible. I lean all my weight against Harry's chest but it's really just pointless.

"I promise you'll love it! Trust me!" Harry reassures me but I groan out.

"Homeboy I ain't going anywhere I have to be very very quiet! Are we committing a home invasion or some shit? Because this pregnant ass bitch isn't down!" My eyes are still blinded over with a blindfold while I try to stall and stress my arms against Harry who is walking towards a place I wasn't sure I was yet.

"Mads your imagination is something I have never seen before!" Harry laughs but I don't find any amusement in him making fun of me when I am under stress over where he is taking me.

I hear the twist of a doorknob and cling to Harry while he guides me inside what I can interpret as shelter or a house. I am quieted remembering what Harry told me about being very very quiet.

I feel Harry drift away until I am left in the darkness with nothing to grasp onto. A knot forms in my throat and a shudder climbed up my spine from the deadly silence. My ears ring in the silence as I stand completely still.

"Harry?" I whimper in a soft whisper hoping to get somewhat of a response from Harry. "Babe? Are you there?" I call out Harry in my head when I get no response from him.

I pull the blindfold off my eyes and see that I am surrounded in complete darkness. The darkness is thick enough to the point where I can't see my hands that I positioned in front of my face.

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