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June 7, 2017 (20 weeks)

"What are you two whispering about over there?" I sit up on the couch to see Talia and my mother whispering to each other. I wasn't one that liked surprises especially if my mother was involved in any way shape or form. I didn't know what to expect whenever she was involved.

"We are talking about how thick your ass is getting Mami!" Talia winks and I feel Harry pull me until I lay on top of his chest. He kisses the top of my head and a smile peeks on my lips.

"Do you think I have a thick ass?" I ask Harry sitting up and straddling him on my living room couch. He positions his hands on my hips and bites his bottom lip while a small grin traces over my lips.

"I mean it isn't as thick as mine," a little high pitched giggle slips from his mouth and lights me up. I could listen to his laugh on repeat all day long if I had the option.

"Okay but true!" Talia shouts over to Harry causing my jaw to drop.

"Aye, I'm just as thick as homeboy right here!"

"Nah!" My mother and Talia both agreed in unison. I glance down at Harry who has a toothy grin spread across his face.

"It's okay babe, not everyone can have a nice sculpted thick ass like ya boy's." He pulls me down until my hands graze against the sides of Harry's cheeks. My swelling stomach makes getting intimately close almost impossible as I lean and press my lips against Harry's.

My mood changes drastically like a switch of a light. Harry's hands drag down my back and kicks my sex drive into full swing. I dip my tongue into his mouth and let Harry tangle his hands into my raven black waves.

I feel overwhelmed by Harry when he runs his fingernails up my scalp. I pant out when Harry takes full control of my body, my sex drive growing every second Harry pushes his tongue down my throat. The boy has mad skills!

"I'm so horny right now," I pant into Harry's ear when he engulfs me and runs his hands down my sides lifting up my shirt as he trails his hands up my skin.

"Aye, not on my couch you two don't!" My mother shouts at the both of us causing me to slowly pull away from Harry. My hand grazes against Harry's clothed chest letting me feel his heartbeat under my palms. It was slightly elevated and thumped in a fast rhythm that caused my heart to knock against my ribs.

"Sorry, it's the pregnancy hormones I don't know what came over me," I breathe leaning back to have Harry softly touch my stomach that was peeking out of my gray t-shirt.

"So you're saying your baby is horny?" Talia laughs at her obviously stupid question making me even giggle a little.

"Can baby's get horny?" I ask generally among our group. My mother sits up on her bar stool and thinks for a moment about what I am asking.

"I was horny as hell with you, I swear I've never had more sex in my life then when I was pregnant with you!" My mother opens up and I make a gagging sound at the mere thought of my mother and father having sex. I never needed that image in my mind, ever!

"So, in other words, Madeline was a horny baby?" Talia gets a kick out of what my mother had opened up about. She doesn't contain her giggles as her and my mother laugh about how potentially I was a horny unborn child.

"Ignore them, they are gross!" I tell Harry who smiles up at me as I sit in his lap with my legs comfortably straddling him. The touch of his hands on my stomach evoke butterflies that flutter their wings wildly. My heart rate picks up feeling his ring clad hands run over my smooth skin.

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