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"So how is it so far at Lachlan?" Talia chats my ear off as we sit on my bed talking about our weeks to one another. We had texted back and forth throughout the week but with the new job and everything, things have been a bit chaotic.

"It's everything I ever dreamed it would be!" I gushed over the perfect situation I was placed in. I had prayed multiple times a day that I would one day get hired onto Lachlan and now seeing that come true made my insides explode. "What about you? How is Roberts and Smith?"

"Aw it's fine I will say I am not a huge fan of my dad being the boss. It's just a weird dynamic." Talia popped a piece of popcorn into her mouth and glanced at the tv for a few seconds. "But Niall says it will get less weird, it's only weird because this is all new to me."

"How is the little Irish man by the way? Any plans for the wedding yet?" Talia and Niall have been engaged for a year now and haven't made plans to officially tie the knot. I wasn't sure what their reasoning was but every time I asked Talia she pawned it off as not having enough money to pay for it.

"No, I just started this new job and Niall is still in school. We just don't have the money to spend on it right now. Hopefully, when he is done with med school we can think about the wedding and start planning you know?" Talia said almost like clockwork only this time to add in the fact that Niall was still in med school and she just started her new job.

"You know I really think you should apply for the bachelorette, can you imagine?" Talia moved onto the next subject as soon as the show flashed back to the tv screen. It was a tradition that every Thursday Talia would come over and watch the new episode with me but with the new job thing for both of us we had rescheduled for this weekend.

"Yeah but nine times out of ten they break up after the show. They never end up staying together." I pointed out watching to see who got the one on one date with Jo Jo.

"Who cares, you get to travel for free! Not only that but you get to go on dream dates with a bunch of sexy ass men! What beats that?" Talia asked me shoving another fist full of popcorn into her mouth.

"Speaking of sexy ass men, I think Harry might be into me." I bit my bottom lips waiting for a reaction from Talia. I had told her of Harry but didn't go into much detail about him... well the details I know about him.

"What?! Tell me everything, what does he look like?" Talia's attention did a complete 360 when Harry's name was mentioned. She sat cross-legged with her hair brown highlighted hair falling over her face from the quick change in attention.

"Well Harry, Nadine, and I went out to lunch this week and I asked him if he was single and he said he was but everytime we talked about relationships or the lack thereof he would smirk at me!" I confided to Talia seeing her already jumping straight into social media stalking. Pulling up her Instagram account she found the search bar and asked me what Harry's username was.

"It's Harry underscore Styles." I return getting closer to look at Talia's phone that was loading his account. Pictures soon start to load and pop up on her screen causing my demeanor to light up even more. Even when I wasn't near this boy he made me giddy!

"Hot damn he is fine!" Talia cycled through his pictures letting me watch as she scrolled through a bunch pf pictures. "You are the luckiest bitch I know, I swear!" Talia tells me taking a break from stalking his Instagram page to go back to watching the Bachelorette. "Plus he sits right next to you! What are the odds?"

"Things like this don't happen to me, you know this about me! I am one of the most unlucky people I have ever met!" My eyes watch as Jo Jo gave Jordan the one on one which I had already guessed way back given Jordan having a clear advantage over Robbie.

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