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April 17, 2016 (12 weeks)

"I'm sorry Mr. Wilson my client is taking nothing less than 60,000. Not only was my client put in emotional distress due to your client's actions but he was also physically violated." I argue in one of the meeting rooms with my client and the lawyer of the woman we were coming after. I had been on this case only a week ago and so far I could tell Mr. Wilson was cut throat.

"Physically violated? I don't know if you know this Miss. Vega but my client was married to yours and I'm finding it hard to believe that your client was sexually violated by his own wife." Wilson scoffs at me and I feel a sharp cramp strike against my abdomen. I blink away the pain and ignore it the first time as I get my focus back on Mr. Wilson.

"Mr. Wilson, are you implying that sexual assault can't happen to men? You client was sexually dominating and not to mention she was also emotionally in control. It doesn't matter if they were married or not, no means no Mr. Wilson." I have a stone cold stare on him as I begin to sweat. I'm a little breathless from another cramping and feel Micheal, my client, place a hand over my own.

"Miss Vega are you okay? You are extremely pale..." Micheal washes over with a more worried expression as I feel a warm sensation run down my leg.

"I umm..." I push away from the desk and see blood running down my legs. My black pencil skirt is soaking through with blood as I begin to panic.

"Miss Vega, you are bleeding!" Micheal points out as I stare down at the blood streaming down my legs. I'm frozen and stand still until the parties in the room go get me help.

My head is spinning as I look out the glass walls encasing me. My eyes track to Harry who is alerted by the clients and lawyer shouting for assistance. He meets my eyes and runs to me after taking a short look at me, everything is happening in slow motion once again and voices are echoed.

"Madeline?!" He holds me by the shoulders as tears wash down my cheeks. Severe cramping hits me again as I wail out in pain. Harry takes me into his arms and carries me bridal style to the nearest exit. Pushing others who spectate, I lay in Harry's arms and squeeze my eyes shut against the pain.

"What's happening?" I question with teary eyes as Harry drives as quick as he can to the nearest hospital. The cramping is almost debilitating as I clench my jaw and bunch my hands into fists around the farcical of my skirt.

"You are going to be just fine Mads, okay? Everything is going to work out." Sweat runs down his brows as he grasps my hand tightly. My vision is blurred by my tears as I try to keep a calm mind but this is all too difficult. How can I have stay calm when I am bleeding profusely? What was I supposed to think?

"Harry there is something wrong, this isn't supposed to be happening. There's something wrong with the babies," I whimper just thinking about the possibility of losing the babies. Heavy bleeding like this was not something that was normal for pregnancy, I knew this because of all the books I had read up on.

"Don't say that Mads, the babies are fine and so are you." He rubs his thumb over my hand and slips into a close parking spot in front of the hospital. He exists and goes to lift me out of my seat, jostling me around as he runs to the entrance of the hospital.

"I need a doctor right now! My girlfriend is pregnant and heavily bleeding!" Harry shouts as the receptionist pages nurses that come out with a wheelchair. Harry places me in it and I regret the feeling of him leaving. I'm pushed behind the door and leave Harry behind as I sob at the intensity of the cramping and fear.

"How far along are you Miss?" One of the nurses asks and I fight myself to push the words out.

"2 months." I squeak out as I am taken into an exam room. My skirt pulled off and feel a cold breeze trickle over my skin and the nurse starts the ultrasound monitor.

"I know this is all really scary for you right now but just try to breathe, tell me what your name is sweetheart." An older woman says to me prepping for an ultrasound as my shirt is pulled up and I hyperventilate.

"M-M-Madeline.." I stutter out as the older woman pats my legs with her free hand.

"Okay, Madeline, we are going to take care of you okay darling? We are going to handle whatever is going on." She comforts and she searches for the heartbeats of the babies. She breaths deeply with me and coax me to do the same as I repeat her breathing patterns.

"Okay angel we are going to try a transvaginal ultrasound so just relax the best you can." She tells me and I continue to breathe in and out. I hated the feeling of the probe as it is entered up inside me and I do what I can to relax.

It's not long before the older nurse calls for a doctor to which I wait in fear. I'm given a gown to change into as the doctor comes in and gives me a friendly smile. I sit on the edge of the exam table as he sits down and sighs out deeply.

"Hello Madeline, I'm Dr. Devine. I know you much be really scared right now with what is going on." He scoots closer to me in his chair and puts a hand on my knee.

"What is happening? Why am I bleeding?" I ask whimpering wanting Harry and my mother to be with me right now. I wish they were here with me.

"During the ultrasounds Madeline we were a little alarmed when we saw one of your yolk sacks was empty. We wanted to confirm our suspicions were and you have a case of VTS." The doctor begins but I am not totally understanding what he is telling me.

"What is VTS?"

"It stands for Vanishing Twin Syndrome, when we went in for your ultrasound Madeline we noticed one of your sacks was empty and the other housed a baby. The cramping and bleeding come from the miscarriage of the other baby." I break down completely and am overcome with complete and utter sadness. Oxygen is sucked from my lungs until I'm coughing and unable to breathe correctly. I'm heaving in and out as tears stream from my eyes making vision minimal.

It's not long before Harry is escorted to my exam room, they must have told him since there were tears running down his cheeks. He embraces me and holds me tightly as I then wail into him. My sobs cracking as the events play back in my mind.

"I'm right here Mads... I'm right here." Harry whispers shakily into my ear. He strokes my hair as I sniffle and lose control over my emotions.

"Madeline? Baby?" I hear my mother's voice and let go of Harry to see her.

"Momma the baby is gone..." I sob into her as she rocks me in her arms back and forth.

"Shhh shhh shhh.... I know baby I know..." she coos to me with a broken and cracking voice.

The rest of the day moves slowly as my mother takes me home. I ride in the front seat watching outside the window as cars and people pass is a blur. My heart feels sunken into my chest like a deflated balloon. My bones felt heavy and my mind weighted as I sucked in air to my oxygen deprived lungs.

N. This is so sad, poor Madeline and Harry:( any thoughts or predictions?

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