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February 26, 2017

I sit and pick at my dinner while busy conversation happens all around me. My stomach is squeezing itself as the smell off salsa wafts over to me. I had become very sensitive to different foods and especially to the smell of certain ones.

"Mi Amour, who were you talking to last night?" My stream of thoughts are interrupted when my ears pick up my nickname.

"What?" I snap back into reality as I ask for my mother to repeat the question since I wasn't fully listening the first time.

"Who were you talking with last night on the phone?" She asks again causing me to freeze up. Did she know? Damn it!

"Just Talia..." I shrug off but know that came off as unconvincing. Heat rose in my face and the sweat poured down my spine.

"Hmm Talia sounds more manly these days," my mother takes note and sips on her red wine. I hadn't touched mine and I was really sick of being put in the situation.

"She's sick..." I try but know that this really isn't helping any.

"Why haven't you touched your wine?" She arches a brow and holds her glass in her hands. I gulp and look at my full glass of wine that hadn't been touched. "It's your favorite!"

"Here let me help you out with that," Gabe outstretches his hand and grabs the stem of the glass. Taking it he takes little sips and licks his lips.

"I'm not in the wine kind of mood tonight." I lie and hope she stops questioning me. I was getting highly uncomfortable with her eyes glued to me.

"Alright Madeline, who was it really that you were talking to last night because I know it wasn't Talia." She puts her elbows on the table and waits for me to answer. Everyone else gets quiet and stares at me making the pressure a lot higher.

"If this is any cancellation I have heartburn radiating in my legs right now." I'm profusely sweating now with everyone waiting for me to say something. My hands shook even when I tried to stop them. I could already see it now, my parents would through a fit while Gabe and Cody would die laughing because it wasn't them that screwed up this time.

"So umm.... that was my husband I was talking to last night." I start off and see everyone go into a frenzy of questioning.

"Husband? Madeline, what are you talking about? Is this a prank?" My father asks as the rest of them start to die down for me to answer.

"No it isn't... remember when I went to Vegas two years ago?" They all nod and I continue to move on. "I got blackout drunk and when I woke up the next morning I had married this guy I met that night. We said whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but um..."

"You have got to be kidding me right now! Madeline, what in the actual hell were you thinking? Oh yeah, that's right you weren't thinking! And you thought you could hide this from us?!" My mother blows up so mad she can hardly put her sentences together. Shortly after she begins to rant and rave in Spanish which she often did when she was upset.

"I wanted a divorce and after some agreements... we got the papers drawn but last night I called him and told him that umm..." God, I didn't want to dump this all out on the table right now.

"Told him what Madeline?" My father asks while my brother sits with their jaws slack from my revelations.

"Our family should have a reality show, this is the most entertaining shit I have ever watched unfold! I can see the trailers now, good girl with a Vegas past is torn between two men!" Cody talks in a dramatic talk show voice causing my mother to quiet him immediately. He puts his hands up in defense and turns back to look at me.

"I told him... I told him I'm pregnant." I say and see everyone's jaw drop onto their laps. It is dead silent up until Cody pipes in once again.

"So am I the favorite child now?" He asks putting both his hands behind his head and leaned in his chair.

"I don't think so," Gabe responds and pushes his chair all the way back until he falls backward. I refrain from laughing but find it extremely hard.

"I never thought my baby girl would be so careless." My dad leans back in his chair. He shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose in complete disappointment.

"I'm so sorry Papa, I never meant for any of this to happen and I know that I really messed up this time." I reached to touch his shoulder but he didn't move. He sat in his same position he had been in and said nothing more to me.

"Messed up? Madeline, we are passed the point of messed up! You are not only married to some guy you met in Vegas but you are also with Harry! Oh, and you are now pregnant!" My mother says again breaking the sound of my father's disappointment. "So who is the baby daddy?"

"I'm not sure," I come clean seeing everyone again being to react to my news.

"Okay but for real I am going to call Ryan Seacrest, I think we could be the next Kardashians!" Cody enthused but I chose to ignore him since he isn't making the situation any better.

"That is just the cherry on top isn't it Madeline? Of course, you don't know who the father is, of course, you don't." I sigh out and know that I deserved all of this. I downcast my eyes and begin to think about all my racing thoughts. There was so much going on at this point I was barely keeping up at the speed it was going.

"So how far along are you?" My mother asks causing me to look back up at her.

"5 weeks," I tell her and see her expression change slightly from furious to a toned down irritated.

"Have you made an ultrasound appoinment?" She asks and I shake my head not even giving doctors appointments a second thought. There were so many other things on my mind that I really hadn't even thought about doctors visits.

"We need to make that appoinment if you are approching 6 weeks. I will call Dr. Tomlinson to see if we can book an appoinment here soon." She says and I feel a little bit better now that she has calmed down. All the yelling was stressing me out and even though I hated him Zayn was right, stress wasn't good for the baby.

"Momma, will you come with me?" I query scared to be doing this all alone. As lame as it sounded I wanted my mom there for support. I was already nervous to be pregant in the first place and it would ease my stress if she were there to walk me through things.

"Of course I will mi amour, no matter how upset you make me feel I will always be there for you." She nods and I smile to myself hearing her say that. If anything, at least I knew that this baby would have an amazing family. Even through this unorthodox situation they were there to support me and the baby and really, that was all I needed.

N. The secret is out and now everyone knows about Zayn... except for Harry that is😂 thoughts?

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