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May 19, 2017

"I'm going to miss you this weekend." I frown as I stand hand in hand with Harry coming out from work. He was going out on a trip with his family for a few days and I was going to miss him.

"How much?" He grins pushing some of my hair away from my face. I bite my bottom lip and get on my toes to plant my lips on his. My hand cradles his face as he reels me in closer until there is no space between the two of us.

"Why don't you let me show you..." I trail and whisper, kissing him passionately again. Lingering on his lips I take a step back and realize how slutty I sounded. Damn I was proud of myself, that was so smooth! Why can't I always come up with slutty things to say?!

It's really upsetting that my phone rings and interrupts the close moment between Harry and I. I look down from our gaze and see my phone glowing in my purse.

"Give me 5 seconds," I tell Harry reaching into my purse and grabbing my phone to answer my mother who was inconveniently trying to get ahold of me.

"Momma, what is it? I'm kinda in the middle of something right now." I say to her walking a few steps away from Harry. I plug my other ear with my hand hearing a loud car horn going off.

"Thank god you answered! I need your help!" She says in a rushed worried tone. I arch a brow and find it odd she is calling me in the first place since she is supposed to be on a plane to Orlando right about now.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to Orlando with dad and the boys?" I ask knowing that I was going to be all alone this weekend with me, myself, and I. They weren't going to be back until Tuesday and I couldn't be a away from work that long.

"We boarded 15 minutes ago and then it hit me, I need you to get home ASAP!" She is breathy from talking so quickly that even I am barely comprehending everything.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I told one of my good friends Carly I would watch her baby for the weekend! I totally spaced it and she's going to be at the house by 7:15! Can you please cover for me mi amour?! They are leaving for the weekend and would have to cancel their entire trip." My mother's stress causes me to shake my head at her. She is frantic for my help and I aid her with her little over booking issue.

"Yeah sure, I'll head home right now," I answer stepping over to Harry where I see him give me a confused expression.

"Aw thank you baby! You are a lifesaver, plus it will be good practice for when your baby comes!" She tries to give me a positive over her missed responsibility. "Anyways I gotta go this call is already going to cost me my first born child!"

"Bye Momma have a nice trip." I conclude wishing I was flying with them to Orlando, or at least going with Harry. Now I was going to be stuck babysitting for the weekend.

"Call me if you have any questions! Love you!" She says before abruptly ending the call. I slid the phone down off my face and sigh outwardly.

"What was that?" Harry asks me as I then put my face into his chest. I groan out and then move on to explain what my mother's little slip up was.

"My mom forgot she was babysitting this weekend for a friend and now I've gotta get home in time for the lady to drop off her baby." I tilt my chin until it sits in the center of his chest while he plays with my hair by running fingers through it.

"I wish I could spend the weekend and play house with you." Harry kisses the tip of my nose and I give him pouty lips. I could only imagine my weekend I would have with Harry. The more I thought about it the more I wanted it to be a reality. Not only would it be good practice for the both of us to get a taste of parenting and taking care of a baby but I also wouldn't mind spending extra time either.

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