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August 2, 2017 (28 weeks)

"I swear she is nocturnal or something!" I groan talking to Harry on the way to our birthing class. It seemed like every time I was ready to sleep or rest she would move around and kick non-stop. "Anytime I'm not walking around or up doing something and just want a little nap she kicks and moves and is annoying."

"Maybe she is a troll just like her momma!" Harry suggest causing me to roll my eyes at Harry's comment. "I am not a troll! When have I ever trolled?"

"I'm pretty sure you were trolling Nadine about baby names a few days ago.." Harry reminds me giving me endless examples of when I have acted like a troll. After about six more instances I got the point that I was somewhat of a troll type person.

"Okay but that is learned behavior... she's not even born yet and she's being a little troll!" I tell Harry as we walk into class and take our seats in the same spot we always sat. Annie sat and did meditation while the class gathered and sat in their respected spots on the floor. I position myself on the red yoga ball and bounce in place while all the other couples give me dirty looks well with the exception of Stephanie and Max. Those two never knew what was going on in this class, constantly worrying about their Instagram feeds and what people in their school would think of them.

Once everyone was present Annie broke from her meditation and opened her eyes ever so slowly to form a smile on her cracked lips. She opens her arms like a bird and greets all of us with her signature hello and a gentle wave.

"Alright class raise your hand if you are planning on breastfeeding your baby." Annie stands up and looks over the consensus of the class. Everyone raises their hand along with myself and Harry. I knew for sure that I wanted to breastfeed baby Scout/Quinn because of all the benefits it produced. Did I think it was a little weird to have my baby suck on my tits? Yes, yes I did but I was willing to look past that for the benefits it brought to my baby's health.

"That is wonderful just wonderful! Well, today we are going to talk about lactation and what to expect when it comes to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding 101 if you will!" Annie says walking up and down the rows of parents that sat on their yoga balls. I couldn't help but bounce on mine, I mean come on now you can't tell me you just sit on them!

"We are going to go over and practice how to hold your baby, and also go over techniques on how to better help your baby to latch." I see Annie slid a bin out from a cabinet and pull out a babydoll the size of a real baby. She hands off the baby dolls to everyone as I guess we are going to practice holding out babies. She hands a doll to Harry for us to share and I can't help but giggle when he accidentally drops the doll.

"It's slippery!" Harry whispers to me while I snicker not paying much attention to Annie who is still handing out dolls for everyone.

"Okay, class we are going to practice the cradle hold, like so," Annie demonstrates with her babydoll while she walks around and inspects if everyone is doing the hold correctly. She instructs the fathers to try the hold first, I watch Harry as he carefully positions the baby in his arms.

"Perfect Harry! You have just the right angle! You are a natural!" Annie compliments him while she then goes on to critique the other dad's who were trying their best to replicate Annie's hold.

"I'm pretty sure Annie is going to give you a gold star," I giggle with Harry who sits up so he can whisper back to me.

"I've got gold stars for days," Harry flips his hair dropping the baby's head causing it to fall all the way back.

"Harry!" I look at the electronic dolls head and laugh at the position it lands in. Harry widens his eyes and puts his arm back under its head for support.

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