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December 15, 2016

"What is everyone's plan for Christmas?" Nadine leans in her chair as I try to concentrate on my tasks at hand. I was being bombarded with time sensitive material and paperwork. I had two cases I was working on currently and my clients were more or less wanting me to rush this process as fast as I could.

"Same as all the other years, I got to my parents and we watch Gemma's kid's open presents and then exchange between the adults," Harry explains getting distracted by Nadine and her Christmas conversation. I want to answer but know that if I get off task I will have a hard time focusing back my attention.

"What about you Mads?" Nadine asks me but I keep my eyes on the screen.

"Hold up I have to finish this," I tell her typing away the necessary forms for one of my two cases. These clients had been very sharp and to the point with me, they intimidated me so I wanted to make sure I did everything right.

"I haven't seen her this focused on something since the day we watched Jacob eat play-doh like it was a chocolate bar." I crack a little smile at the memory.

Gemma had invited Harry and I over to their place for dinner and games. I was glad that Gemma liked me as much as she did, we were slowly becoming friends. However, while we were over I got distracted by Jacob taking a huge bite of play doh! Not only did he take a large first bite but he then went in for a second bite! That kid was truly crazy and when Gemma said she had her hands full with both Jacob and Rosie I didn't hesitate to believe her.

"I don't know how Gemma does it," I comment shaking my head with a smile still keeping my focus on work.

"Gemma is very disciplined, she schedules anything and everything," Harry explains to both Nadine and I.

An hour goes by and I push my chair from desk to get up. I needed to get up and walk around since my legs were beginning to ache. Standing up I feel Harry looking at me and confirm my suspicions when I see him smirking.

"What?" I smile back looking at myself up and down.

"Your ass just looks really good in that skirt..." Harry trails wetting his lips with his tongue.

"Well, that was romantic." I let out an airy laugh before I am about to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Harry calls after me leaning almost too far in his chair. If I were to do that I would probably fall backward and nearly see death.

"The bathroom, everyone has to go at some point." I shrug turning back to my route to the bathroom. I find myself in the marble tiled bathroom and check myself out in the mirror. Harry was right my ass looked poppin' in this pencil skirt, I needed to wear this more often!

In the mirror I see a pair of green eyes appear from the entrance. I furrow my brow when I see him come inside and shake my head.

"What are you doing in here? I mean I know you miss me when I leave but come on this is a little extra." I tell Harry when he approaches me. He cradled my face and presses his body up against mine. His lips smashing on mine as my eyes widen at the entire exchange.

"Okay.... Did I miss something?" I ask him but see him hoist me up into the sink counter. He then reconnects his lips with mine and breaths deeply, everything about this is a little rough and to be real I actually like it.

My hands settle and dangle over his shoulders and he goes to work almost choking me with his tongue which I wasn't expecting at all. All of this is so spontaneous as he lifts me up and we crash against one of the walls.

"Jesus!" I lock my lips with Harry and tug at his hair. This was something I wasn't expecting today...

My breath is heavy and rapid when he dips his tongue back into my mouth once again. Sweat forms on my hairline as Harry runs his hands down my back and squeezes my ass cheek. I squeak as he does so and feel him smile in our kiss.

He pushes me into a stall when we hear voices nearing towards the bathroom. Squeezing into the little stall Harry keeps his lips on mine indulging himself. Damn, he was horny!  Heat is rising between us in the small space we have to intensely make out.

I pull down my shirt and see him follow suit by tending to his zipper. Trying to undo the button and zipper he fumbles around while I slid my undies off and sit on the toilet. Looking at me as soon as a stream of urine hits the toilet he gives me a confused look.

"What are you doing? I thought we were..." He gestured to his pants that he had finally undone. He looks highly confused and disappointed that I was doing the thing I came here for in the first place.

"What does it look like? I told you I had to go to the bathroom, I mean this is what you do in the bathroom." I educate him and see him huff like a little kid. Tilting his head back to the ceiling and sighing louder than necessary. "You are so dramatic. As Micheal Jordan once said, Stop it, get some help."

"Me? Dramatic? Pffft yeah right I am the least dramatic person in this relationship." He tells me as I finish up taking a piss like I had planned to all along.

"Okay, Mr. Sighs Really Loud, whatever you say." I smirk at him, "Now could you like get out of here? I gotta wipe and I would rather you not see my unshaven vagina... since I wasn't planning on any of this today."

"Fine," He sighs loudly again in the same dramatic tone he had before grinning at me as soon as he shut the door behind him. I chortle to myself and then go on to finish up my bathroom business without the company of Harry.

Harry doing all this made me think about a few things. Harry wanted to be sexual with me and we had reached to those lines in our relationship now. I unlike a lot of couples literally spent all day every day with Harry and we had grown closer and closer with that added benefit. I was comfortable telling Harry anything and him the same with me, however, I couldn't be sexual with him. There was one thing holding me back that I thought I wouldn't ever have to think about again. It wouldn't feel right for me until I went to finish and tie up my loose ends.

N. Here is where things get fun! Does anyone have any predictions on what Madeline's "loose ends" are? It is currently 10:15PM but I think I will be up till 2 since I am so excited about the next few chapters! Fasten your seat belts because it's about to get bumpy!

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