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December 31, 2016, A.K.A New Years Eve

"I'm not going to get drunk tonight!" I tell Harry as we are already 5 wine glasses deep. I wouldn't say that I'm lightweight but I'm also not all that tolerant either.

I didn't feel like going out and partying the night away. I wanted to spend quality time with Harry tonight instead. I had already made lists of mistakes when I was drunk and out partying, example A: Zayn.

I cuddled up next to Harry as we refilled our wine glasses every so often. We had settled on watching Ryan Seacrest's Rockin' New Year's Eve.

"This is your 5th glass of wine, I think you are almost there," Harry informed me as I sat up from laying on his chest. I arch a brow playfully and take a gulp of my beverage.

"Got a taste of the cherry, I just need to take a bite!" I sing out as Demi Lovato takes over the stage at Times Square. Acting out her lines I bit my lips seductively with the red wine staining my lips.

Putting my glass down on the floor I began to crawl up to Harry, straddling him comfortably. "Don't tell your mother..." I trail into a whisper when Harry's lips are only centimeters from my own. "Kiss one another..."

Harry pulls me into his lips and butterflies spurt up inside my stomach. A familiar spark lights inside me and I instantly feel that addictive feeling. I don't know what it is and I don't even know how to describe it but I felt the need to have it. His hands grab at my back and wrinkles my Rolling Stones band tee that I stole from him, his fingertips touching my bare back.

"Die for each other..." he rasps out as I sloppily kiss him once more. Chills run down my spine as I feel Harry's fingers trail softly up my back. Goosebumps from behind his fingertips as he finally reaches my neck.

"We're cool for the summer!" I pull myself off him and sit in a straddling position. I giggle at his face since I had interrupted our romantic moment of passionate kisses.

"You drive me insane Mads!" Harry tells me with a more depressed tone. Partially I knew the reasons for this, it was because I was dodging him whenever he wanted to get close. I would feel guilty having sex with him if I knew I hadn't cut things off with Zayn but, now that had all changed.

Our divorce was now on its way to being completed. I had scheduled a meeting with our lawyer the day after I went that night with Zayn. However, our lawyer was going to be out of the office until the beginning of February. It was now playing the waiting game with the process.

"Why?" I ask stupidly like I have no clue even though I know exactly what he is talking about.

"Every time I try to get close to you, you shy away. Or when we do get close you are the biggest tease on the planet." He explains to me and I leaned down to caress his face. I can see his frustrations but I was going to fix all of it.

"Meet me in your bedroom in 15 minutes..." I trail kissing him sweetly before getting up and off of him. I leave him by sauntering to his bedroom where I close the door.

I begin to strip off my clothes and leave the clothing in a trail that leads to the bathroom. I find a bathtub that I turn on and spill soap into, the lighting is dim as I look at myself in the mirror. I was intoxicated but I knew exactly what I was doing. I know what I want and what I want is Harry.

I submerge my body into the bubble bath and sink inside. My hair is tied up into a sloppy bun I haven't put any effort into as I soaked in the bubbles. My fingers trail around the bubbles and trace out the shapes they are making.

I hear the door open to the bedroom and prepare myself to see him. I see him come into the bathroom, his eyes land on me as I lure him to come closer. Words aren't needed as I lure him closer to me, his clothes coming off as he approached.

His underwear is slid off and I am amazed at his large length. I was highly impressed and could feel myself getting very excited by the sight. Harry dips his feet in and is submerged into the warm bubble that encases the both of us. I wrap my legs around his waist as I feel myself sitting on his length. My arms attach around his neck and within seconds I feel Harry's little friend perk up at the rough and passionate kisses I am dealing out.

The water is moving in waves around us as I bite Harry's lip and moan out when he traces his hands over my breasts. He pulls the elastic from my hair and it falls behind my back into the soapy water, his hands running through it.

"Madeline?" Harry whispers in between kisses as I take full control of what is happening. I want to make him feel good.

"Yeah?" I am a little breathless with the way he is now caressing my breasts. I moan out in the feeling and encourage him to continue.

"This is my first time." He tells me kissing my neck as I tug lightly at his curly hair that was now getting wet from my hands running through and unraveling his curls.


"Ever." He responds and I smile to myself, I glowed inside knowing how much of an honor this was that Harry wanted me to be his first.

He takes my wet body to the bed where the water soaks the sheets between the two of us. Hair and bodies wet I let Harry get on top of me and ride me while he grinds his hips into me. I close my eyes and curl my toes at the large length entering me.

I sweat against the water I am drenched in when he grabs my jaw and plants his lips on mine. I like the roughness as we get going. I get a whole new source of energy as he thrusts a little harder than he was before. He puts his hand around my jaw and kisses me roughly while I scratch his back with little red streaks running down his spine.

He pulls out and begins to insert his fingers and I can't catch my breath for a few seconds. His cold rings coming in contact with me as I arch my back and sit up screaming.

"Harry..." I breathe out rapidly as he rubs my clint.

"Say my name," He says as I open my mouth and moan out again feeling him touch me the way he was.

"Harry..." I obey and feel the same sensation once again and squeal out. I pull him back up to me and dip my tongue into his mouth. I feel him pull back into me and my mind he was contradictory, he was fire and ice, light and dark.

He was leaving me breathless and I loved every second of trying to gasp for air. We were each other's air supply when he pressed his lips up against mine and I was falling deeper and deeper into him.

N. I'm going to just come out and say I suck are writing sex scenes! But I will promise to keep you entertained! If I get enough comments I will also double update!!

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