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September 20, 2017 (35 weeks)

"You are seriously naming our baby Scout?" Zayn questions as everyone sits in my parents living room. Harry and I had decided to tell everyone what name we had picked out since we had neglected to tell everyone.

"Actually, she is my baby and yes I am naming my baby Scout Anne." I rub my hand across my stomach when I feel small movements inside of me. I knew it probably wasn't possible for her to know what her name was but she seemed to respond when anyone called her by it. I always felt a little kick or movement whenever Harry or I called her Scout.

Harry loved talking to my bump. I remember a couple weeks ago we laid in his bed in the late night, his fingers grazing over bump slowly. As soon as his palm touched my stomach she began to move and kick where ever he touched. He talked to my bump for 30 minutes or so, singing her lullabies that actually lulled me to sleep.

There were a lot of things I discovered about Harry through this pregnancy. He was an amazing cook and he actually wasn't a bad singer! He held a raspy grit in his voice that soothes me and Scout, I could tell because her movements would subside and her kicks would stop.

"No, no you aren't," Zayn argues shaking his head and putting his arms up. I roll my eyes at Zayn and was not in the mood to argue. I had become extremely uncomfortable and irritated because of my stomach that was bigger than planet Earth... at least that's what it felt like. I may be acting dramatic but I didn't feel like I was being dramatic in the least.

"Do you have a problem?" Harry asks Zayn standing up to approach Zayn who lazily looks back at him. Zayn straightens his leather jacket and gives Harry a punk ass expression that only feeds Harry's flame.

"Yeah I have a problem with you!" Zayn nudges Harry in the chest with force as Harry stumbles back and pushed Zayn with even more force.

"Hey boys! Take it outside!" My mother tells both of them as they look at her then back at each other.

"You aren't worth it," Harry looks at Zayn up and down before walking back to the couch where I sit with my pounding heart.

"What a pussy." Zayn scoffs causing Harry to sharply turn to face Zayn again. Tension is spreading like a wildfire as Harry's eyes burn into Zayn.

"What did you just call me?" Harry grits taking Zayn by the collar of his graphic tee. The anger is wafting off Harry and heating up the surrounding air.

"Pussy, I mean unless you think you aren't," Zayn arches a brow and gives Harry a mischievous smile that I hated seeing. It was so annoying whenever it arose from his plump lips.

Within minutes they are pushing each other out the front door with me following after the two of them. My brothers follow me excited and placing bets on who is going to beat who's ass. A feel a twist in my stomach as I protest for them to not do this.

"Guys stop!" I shout as the two reach the front yard and begin to lay into each other. Punches are thrown as a throw my hands over my face.

Zayn takes hits Harry in the gut causing him to bend over a falter in stature giving Zayn and advantage to attack Harry again. My heart is racing and anxiety is blanketing me all over again as I watch Harry and Zayn throw punches and jabs towards one another.

"Stop it!" I yell at them both afraid to intervene at this point. I scream and yell at them to stop but they don't pay much attention to me.

I see Zayn fall to the ground and begin to make sounds of pain as Harry kicks him in the stomach. Harry is literally kicking Zayn's ass. Damn, you didn't want to mess with Harry, Zayn didn't stand a chance against him.

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