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November 24, 2016, A.K.A Thanksgiving

Today was the day. The day that Harry and I were going to meet each other's family which put a lot of pressure on both of us. Did I mention that extended family was going to be involved?

We had decided that we would go to Harry's Thanksgiving at around lunch time and mine at dinner since that's the way our families had planned their holiday. Harry had told me that he didn't use to celebrate the holiday but once they moved over to the States they celebrated along with everyone else.

"Just be yourself I know they will love you!" Harry advises as we stand at their front door. Butterflies are flapping all around inside my stomach looking at the house that looked like it came straight out of the "Better Homes and Gardens" magazine.

"Wait... I'm not ready yet!" I reach for Harry's hand to stall him from opening the front door. I was so nervous to meet the people who meant so much to Harry. I had no idea what their expectations were of me and it drove me a little crazy. I didn't like the unknown and to be blunt it was stressing me out more than I should.

"Madeline you are going to do great just don't think about it too much," Harry tells me as I gulp down the fear and nod my head to his piece of advice. I flip my curled hair away from my face and close my eyes to feel Harry's hand embrace mine.

"You are right everything is going to be fine, I'm just overthinking it," I mumble opening my eyes to see Harry had opened the door to a house of two kids running about and adults conversing in the living room.

Their attention switches from the group to Harry and I as we make an entrance into the beautiful home. The wood floors are glossy and reflective as I take in my surroundings of the expensively decorated home.

"Hazzy!" A little blonde boy cries racing over to Harry and reaching his arms up for Harry to grab. The little boy couldn't be more than 4 years old as he gives Harry a toothy grin when he is settled in Harry's arms. He has huge brown eyes and naturally rosy cheeks against his paler skin.

"How has my little buddy been?" Harry asks the little blonde boy who hugs him with complete adoration. I had no clue Harry was an uncle but seeing him around kids was making my heart burst inside my chest. I think it may have been the cutest thing I have ever seen.

"Good!" The little boy beams at Harry who then looks over at me then back at the nameless little boy.

"That's good, Jacob, I want you to meet my friend!" Harry began to introduce me to the boy they called Jacob. His big brown eyes looked over at me with curiosity and then back at Harry's familiar face. "This is my friend Madeline."

"Hi!" I wave to him with a smile and see Jacob return the gesture. "I love your sweater, is blue your favorite color?" I ask Jacob who seems to be the chatty type.

"Yeah, but sometimes my favorite color is green too... and red..." Jacob responds in a little British accent that my heart melts over. Little kids with accents get me every time.

"Jacob, why don't you go play with Rosie?" A woman with platinum blonde shoulder length hair calls to the little boy when Harry sets him down. Harry grabs my hand again and walks me over to the living room where I see the white state of the art kitchen a couple feet away. This house was immaculate!

"It's been awhile Haz, where have you been these days?" The woman stood up to reveal a beautifully tailored black dress. A skinny white belt hugged around her torso and in this moment I realized I needed to hit the gym ASAP!

"Work!" Harry responds and then looks over at me with a grin on his face. "Madeline, this is Gemma my older sister." I am greeted with a kind face and a shake of the hand.

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