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October 12, 2017

"How are you doing love?" I rub my eyes from the sleep and see Harry coming towards me. The last couple hours recollect as I yawn and sink into the bed that cushions my tired muscles.

The blinds are closed to shut out the intense light of the sun rising outside. I didn't have a concept of time ever since last night, I could have been the afternoon and I wouldn't have a clue. The room smells stiff of latex gloves and hospital food even though I hadn't eaten a thing since I got here.

"Exhausted," I answer as he comes to sit on the edge of the bed making a dip. He sets his hand on my leg as I look at him with a lazy gaze, his shirt is wrinkled while his skinny jeans fit snug on his hips. "Where's Scout?"

"I just gave her, her first bath!" Harry gushes as I smile back at him. I feel a little left out however since I didn't get to see Harry interact with Scout. I would have loved to be there but my muscles were overworked and exhausted from last night.

"How was it? Did she like it? Are they going to bring her back in here? She's probably hungry," I ramble missing my baby I had held for a total of 5 or so minutes after birth yesterday before I completely blacked out. The last thing I remembered was the doctor telling a nurse she needed help controlling my hemorrhaging.

I'm sore as my aching muscles lay in place, the mere thought of moving made me want to vomit. The aches were heightened the more I thought about them so I shook them from my mind and tried to ignore them.

"It was great, she is so small Mads! I'm not sure if she a massive fan though, I'm pretty sure she prefers to be snuggled in her blankets." Harry smiles causing me to madly grin back at him. All this talk of her caused me to miss her, I wanted her back in my arms again.

"Are the going to bring her back? Where are Zayn and my mom?" There are so many questions circling about since I seemed to have woken up in a different time period. I wasn't sure how long I had slept, it could have been days, hours, seconds, the world may never know.

"I told them to go and get some rest after they stabilized you, they should be back this evening," Harry informs me as I pick up my phone to reveal messages that congratulated me on my baby. I see a text from Zayn but decide to ignore it and put my attention back on Harry.

"Have they done the paternity testing yet?" I ask with my foggy vision and constant yawns I can't help but pass onto Harry. I didn't get a good look at Scout last night since she was laying on my chest with her eyes still closed. All I knew was that she had tons of dark brown hair, at least from what I could tell although it was wet.

"Yeah they swabbed all of us, the results should be in before they discharge you. You look so tired," Harry scoots up closer to me and rubs his hand under my bags that had most likely developed due to my exhaustion.

"I am, I don't think I've ever been this tired in my entire life. Birth really knocks it out of you," I reply slipping Harry a traceable grin as I tilt my head to the side and admire Harry's disheveled chocolate curls that were undone and messy.

"Come lay next to me," I beg him scooting over ever so slowly since my body was weak and ached internally. My movements were little and resulted in me taking a lifetime to get enough room for Harry. Once he hunkers down next to me I lay on my side and put a hand over his chest, my eyes track the IV that is inserted into my hand. We lay in a comfortable silence that tugs at me to fall back into the sweet darkness of sleep.

Our breathing patterns are in sync as I feel Harry's chest rise up and down at the same rate mine is. My eyes flutter and try to fight away the sleep but find that my eyelids are acting more like weights than anything else. My eyes roll until I hear my door crack open and little whimpers are heard. I squint open my eyes and see a young nurse come to me holding a bundle of blankets.

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