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N. Leave your gender predictions here! Let see who gets it right!

May 13, 2017 (16 weeks)

"Okay let's place our bets now," my father takes out a scrap price of paper and pen from the junk drawer as I chug down some Sunny D drink.

"Bets for what?" Gabe asks coming into the kitchen to rummage through the pantry and fridge. Searching for something to eat while my father sits at the dining room table.

"Gender predictions!" My father said writing down everyone's name on the scrap paper with amounts next to the names. "Whoever is right either shares the pot or gets if all."

"Count me in, I wouldn't mind some extra change," Cody calls from the couch as my mother waltzes in fully ready for the day.

"What is happening?" She turns looking for answers as I put my drink down. Emptying the entire tall glass I breathe out in awe.

"They are betting on my baby," I inform her as I get my things ready to leave for my appointment. Harry was coming to grab me and Zayn would meet us there. I was hoping he would play nice with Harry and I but I wasn't holding my breath.

"Okay, Cody what is your bet?" My father asks glancing over at Cody who is annoyed that he caught up to the commercials. Sighing he looks at my father than me with slits for eyes, getting up he looks me up and down like he is some investigator. He tilts his chin and places both hands on my ever growing stomach that was now visibly bigger. He presses his ear up to my stomach and pats my belly as I push him off of me annoyed.

"Would you stop it?" I ask scoffing at Cody being extra and touching my swelling belly.

"I'm saying it's definitely a boy and since I am so confident of my answer I'm placing fifty bucks on it!" Cody says to my father and then turns to me and points at my belly. "You better be a boy or so help me I just lost fifty bucks."

"Stop pressuring my baby, stress is bad for it!" I nudge Cody who darts his eyes to Gabe.

"Well I think it's a girl and I'm putting seventy-five bucks on the line." Gabe raises a brow at Cody trying to one up his bet. Cody scoffs and says that he is being pretty ballsy considering he is going to lose.

"I agree with Gabe I think it's a girl and I'm putting in thirty bucks," My father scribbles down a number and the word girl next to the bet amount. I ran a hand over my swelling stomach and smile to myself thinking about our appointment today.

The last weeks had been really hard with the miscarriage weighing on my mind but after much sorrow today the gender of our remaining baby would be revealed. I was so excited to know if we were having a boy or girl and the anticipation was killing me.

"I think it's going to be a little boy, I have a good feeling about it. I'll bet twenty-seven that it's a boy." My mother joins in on the gender predictions. My family conversing and defending their bets while I shake my head and smile.

"What do you think it is Mads?" Gabe asks me as I swing my purse over my shoulder. All eyes look at me as I touch my stomach once again and think about my answer.

"I have no clue but if I'm guessing off the top of my head I'm going with a boy," I answer not even knowing how to choose between the two options. I was really bad at guessing outcome and guessing a baby's gender was no different.

"What are you hoping it is?" My mom asks before I get a text from Harry telling me he was just a block away. I text him that I will be out in a few seconds but reel back to my mother's question.

I hadn't really given it a thought since I knew I would love it either way. I didn't sway either way when it came to the gender because it simply didn't matter to me. I just wanted him or her to be happy and healthy.

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