Welcome Once Again

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Wow....look at us go. Three Random books already? Hmm...it's kinda odd that we make one every year.

Random 1= sixth grade

Random 2= seventh grade

Random 3= eighth grade

I wonder how many random books we can make.

Whelp, welcome everyone! I hope you are trilled for another book of our random stuff that occur in our lives.

If you haven't, please read the summary to see what you'll expect in this book.

Also, if you are new, you don't have to read the other books. You'll catch on about our lives in the summary. Legit. I'm not joking.

So sit back, relax, eat Oreos, and stick around for a long journey. There is no specific update schedule so....be prepared.

Also, there will be a pattern for who will make the book covers. I'll do the odds and Katy will do the evens. You can tell the difference though because...

Mine suck and hers are great.

It's as simple as that folks.

I'll be going by Nikki from now on because....it's faster to type and you know how long my chapters get when I have to talk about something reallllllyyyyy important. Lol, like anything is important about me.

*laughs but then cries because is lonely*

Plus Nikki is easier to say and remember. 😋



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