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Wow look who's back four months later

I'm so sorry I haven't been on much. I haven't even been reading actually book either because I'm toooOOOOO lazy

Anyway, sophomore year is actual shit

All of my classes are so hard, except for Spanish

And gym I guess my teacher doesn't give a shit on what we do

But like—history actually makes me want to die. Last year was so easy and I got A's on every exam

But this year, I walk in on the first day and my teacher told us that only 5 stu will pass his class with an A or a B


I swear to god

And no matter how much I study, he either puts AP questions on the test (I'm in honors lmao I'm not that smart) or he puts things we didn't learn or things he said he WOULDNT put on the test

Like???? How does that make any sense????

Also, I have no friends in any of my classes. I just have acquaintances only, except for Spanish where I actually have one friend in it

o n e f r i e n d

I got a C- in chem last term and now I have an B+ so that's improvement, and I have a C+, almost a B- in history, so I'm not doing too bad.


I'll talk about the reason why I wanted to return

So, laddies

Remember that anime I was TOTALLY obsessed with?

You know, the one with the orange cat and where I made like 10 fanfictions just to express my love for him?

Yeah, guess what

Fruits Basket is getting a reboot

Yeah that's write, an anime and manga series that almost 20 years old is getting a reboot

Honestly, idk how to feel about it

The creator said the entire anime is gonna be new

So new animation style and possibly new voice actors

I only watch the dub in anime because I'm not a weeb and I legit can't read and watch something at the same time, and I like to watch anime at 10pm where I'm tired as shit so reading is too much effort then

But yeah here's so images of how they'll look like

But yeah here's so images of how they'll look like

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This is Kyo. Honestly he looks so adorable. The thing that bothers me is his eyes are orange now, like how they originally used to be, which is cliché because a bunch of anime do that "eye color matching hair color" sort of thing.

Can we just take a moment to realize that yuki is crying?

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Can we just take a moment to realize that yuki is crying?

I hope it's because he doesn't end up with tohru

Also I'm a huge yukixtohru fan because Kyo and Tohru legit have no chemistry with each other

And a bunch of fruits basket accounts followed me on twitter and they HATE anyone who ships yuki and tohru, but they consider me a friend sooOOOOOO I have to put up a facade and say "uwu kyoru for life uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu"

Also, if you wanna follow my Twitter, please go ahead. No one likes my tweets and I just wanna be famous

I'm only famous on here and tik tok apparently

Don't question the last thing please just pretend it doesn't exist


Here's my twitter

Joined last year whoop whoop

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Joined last year whoop whoop

Also season 8 is next Friday I'm gonna actually die if klance isn't canon king

Klance for life boyzzzzzz

And finally

Anyone here still play Pokémon go?

Like, please say yes so I can add at least one more person to be my friend in the game. I need to complete something, por favor

I need at least three friends and I only have two sooooo please dm me with your friend code and I'll add you

Thanks y'all

Also here's a pic of Kyo that I drew yesterday

Took me two hours because idk how to digital draw or draw a cat

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Took me two hours because idk how to digital draw or draw a cat

And I added whiskers because...cats are supposed to have them

Idk why he doesn't in the anime but okay

Also, I made a bunch of my friends' cats love me this year and I feel special.

Cats are such majestic creatures


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