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How is that even possible?

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How is that even possible?

Dear god 900 followers??

I legit don't do anything here anymore besides read my friends' books and answer messages...sometimes.

Honestly I feel bad when I don't answer someone's message immediately here. I'll receive the message and see it but then actually going onto this app and praying that it doesn't crash is like...very rare.

Anyways, thanks for 900 followers. Like idk how long it'll be for me to get 1k but I'll legit scream once I do.

Yeah that's basically all I wanted to say sooooooo

Let's chat

I suck at math

I barely passed it this year. C- was my final grade and I'm quite shocked honestly. I have a C+ in Spanish, but it was a 79.4 and for some reason my teacher didn't want to raise it to a B.

She most likely hates me because I can't speak or learn words fast enough in Spanish.

I'm sorry that I know another language at home 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

I have a B in Bio and English and I currently have an "I" in History because my teacher isn't here so he can't grade the test.

Honestly the history final was kinda hard because there were words on there that we never learned or weren't even present on the study guide.

I hope he takes them off because I want an A in history. It's my best class.

For my schedule next year, I have no one in my classes. I have a bunch of people I know for gym, but....it's gym. I don't do anything

So sophomore year is going to be absolute hell so I'll just make myself the loner in all of my classes

Now that's it's summer, I get to relax, butttttttt relaxing is boring. So I'm bored 24/7 and I'm too scared to ask people to hang with me.

It's fine

Everything's fine

I'll be spending my summer with a bunch of cats.

My friend owns two cats and she told me that she's going to take me an animal shelter in the summer to pet a bunch of cats.

Solid 45 minute drive to just go to my friend's house but it's worth it 🙏

And some other girl that I'm not "best friends"with's mom asked me if I wanted to come to her house to play with her cats. I said yes so I'll schedule a day to hang with her and her cats.

Fun fact

I'm a cat whisperer.

I made two cats, who's owners told me never purred, actually purr. The cats also did not like to be held, but I did anyway and they didn't try to scratch my face off.

Plus I know exactly how to approach a cat and understand its emotions just by looking at it's tail and its ears.

Please hand me my trophy for the best cat whisperer in the world

On the other hand, dogs hate my guts. That girl also has a dog, and that thing HATEDDDDD me!!!!

There have only been TWO dogs that liked me in my entire life. And they were both small, white doggos. But I don't like small doggos. I like BIG BOI doggos

You know like golden retrievers, German Shepards, Huskies....other dogs

Idk I don't know dog breeds surprisingly.

I only know cats

Also what's that dog called that look like that have a scarf around their neck? I know they're big boi doggos, but I've never known there name. I remember seeing one in a show called Martha speaks, but they never said the name of the dog breed.

Also why does everyone think cats are evil??

"Ohhhh cats scratch you and your furniture!!!"

Umm they only scratch when they feel threatened??? And if you don't have a scratching post or any toys for the cat to play with, then they will scratch furniture.

Plus they only do that to keep their claws in shape for hunting.

Remember guys, a cat is an animal; They're meant to hunt

Oh and people who declaw cats are actual MONSTERS

Oh yeah I said the M word and I put it in all caps and bolded.

Declawing a cat is equivalent to someone chopping off your fingertips. IT HURTS THE CAT SOOOO MUCH
It's basically a random person on the streets just walking up to you, and with no warning, they cut off your fingers.

Don't do that to your cats, okay?

Again, cats need their claws for survival.

Oh, and I finallllyyyyy got a new phone.

It's an iPhone SE. I actually wanted a 6, but this is basically the same thing, despite the size difference and the camera quality.

I'm just glad I have 32 GB and not 12

Oh and it's rose gold, which I didn't ask for and idk it looks pretty.

Okay time to get serious

I'm gonna update my book a lot this summer while also doing my best to hang out with a bunch of people. There are so many people I want to spend the summer with, but I have to learn to balance my writing time and my fun time.

Not saying that writing isn't fun, it's just...boring when you can't think of what to write or how to word something without using a million words.

I'm gonna update my miraculous book the most, along with my Pokémon book.

Then I'll do my ask the dazzlings (yeah remember that?) and ouran/fruits basket book too

Another fun fact:

I'm rewriting The Second Cat on my computer because my published version is absolute trash and doesn't deserve to just be left like that.

Currently on chapter 10 out of 24

I need to add another chapter to the book and delete one, while also removing paragraphs that include other people's POV or 3rd person POV. I want to just keep it as Nikki's because the book is about her and her life.


Well thanks again for 900 followers

I'm very thankful


Goodnight I guess.

Idk how to end this

-The Ultimate Cat Whisperer

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