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Let's just talk about Halloween for a second.

What I don't understand about it is how there are so many people in America (or other places that celebrate this holidays) that have that 1% of people who don't celebrate Halloween. Like I understand stuff about gruesome and controversial topics but like...candy.

Think of the poor children. They put all of their efforts into their costumes and stuff and when they get to a house that has a note saying "sorry but we don't celebrate Halloween", it truly disappoints them. That's one less candy a child gets. Like I don't know about you guys, but those people might be hogging the Three Musketeers to themselves.

People these days

They don't care about me and my love for three musketeers


But anyways, if you don't celebrate it, that's fine. Just can you at least leave a bowl of candy for some little children that never get candy?

Jk I'm that kid who takes two pieces of candy when it says "take one please"

Ahahahahhahahaha im such a savageeeeee

I mean if it's only Reese's then I won't take any people I hate peanut butter. Like I'll start gagging when I'm around it for too long. It's just...gross.

Anyways I just don't understand why people don't celebrate the holiday. If you exclude the fact about death and spooky stuff and only leave the candy part then you're fine.

Unless your family hates candy because of cavities then....I'm so sorry. Come to my house on Halloween. No one ever comes because people are too lazy to walk to the front door.

Anyways what are you guys being for Halloween?

I'm gonna be

*drum roll please*

Keith from voltron!!

Yep I ordered the costume yesterday off of Amazon. Mainly it's his jacket, wig, and belt. The boots were wayyyyy too expensive and I have black pants and I think a dark grey or black shirt.

Also I just realized that he has gloves and I don't have time to buy them. Ripppppp

So yeah.

My friend is gonna be lance soooooooo


It's gonna be lit


Okay so I was watching the goldbergs and Adam made a voltron reference.

I was like "ohhh heyyy voltron!!"

And my mom was like "yeah that's from the 80s"




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