High School

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Whelp, everyone else is doing this so why not me?? Besides, so many people are asking how my first day went and I'm kinda lazy to give everyone an individual summary. So...the best idea is to do it here.

So yeah...I'm a ninth grader now. I keep thinking that I'm still an eighth grader because...idk. Like when some teacher refers us (the ninth grades) as freshmen, I just stop whatever I'm doing and just think about how far I've come.

Anyways, enough with the boring crap. Now let's hear how I survived my first day.

I was driven to school by my mom. Like I had no idea what I was supposed to go so I told my mom to drop me off instead of taking the bus. I legit had an argument with my mom last night saying that I wanted to be driven to school on certain days. Those days being Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. But then my mom ranted about how my dad had to get to work.

What I don't understand is my dad used to drop my off at my middle school at 7:12 am! I was alone until another 5 minutes and then some kids started to come. But my friends would come around 7:40-ish sooooo I just stood there listening to music and trying my best to avoid all eye contact with teachers who walked by me to get to their classrooms.

But anyways, some days I'll be forced to take the bus and some days I'll be driven.


So I just stood in the main lobby with like a bunch of other freshmen waiting for my friends to arrive. Honestly something I hate is my homeroom is on the second floor while my friends' is on the third. I know sometimes you don't go to homeroom in high school but still. I need to walk with people in order to survive. My life depends on others.

And sometimes I like being independent, especially when I'm in a class with people I don't know well.

Hahahaha we'll get to that later.

After an extended homeroom, I went to my first period class. Thank god my friend was in it. I would've died. Like there are some kids in there that I already HATE

Anyways my History teacher had some humor. Like for the first 5 minutes of class he was staring at every student. Probably because we didn't say hello back. I mean...I'm too socially awkward to do that soooo

And when he said our names, (he said my entire name correctly which makes me happy) he just looked at our face for a few moments so he can know who's who.

Yeah...fun teacher

I was trying to hold in my smile/laugh but I honestly couldn't. I'm pretty good at Try Not To Laugh Challenges so if you just have my history teacher staring at you for a few moments on there, I'm guaranteed to laugh.

After that I had Math. No friends in that class though. I mean there's a girl I know from middle school but we aren't close at all. I just sat there next to her for a few minutes and then the teacher arranged us in alphabetical order.

Honestly, I think I'll do okay in math. I like shapes so how hard can it be?

Jk I'm probably gonna fail the first term because who can do math anyways???

I'll give you guys a hint

Not me

After that I had an art class so my friend walked with me there.

Scratch that I kinda led her to it because she didn't know where it was.

But oh my god the stairs are so crowded. Like it takes forever to go down them and there's like 50 stairwells all over the school.

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