I feel attacked

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Okay so today in math class we were talking about dog breeds because this girl who sits at my table was explaining how she'll be getting this dog that's a mix of a husky and some other Tony doggo.

Who tf breeds a giant ass dog with legit a rat??? Pokémon apparently.

Anyways....My friend starts talking about how her dog might die soon so I ask,

"Are you gonna get a new dog?"

She replied yes.

"Okay, what breed?"

Then she answered "Maybe a boxer,"

I then flipped out

"WHAT A BOXER??? I hate those things. They are vicious and ugly" (lol watch the comment section be corrupted and burning in flames just because of what I said)

Then my friend was like some are vicious but if you love it, it'll be nice.

So then the teacher walks by and overheard us talking about dogs.

I was then like," I love cats though..."

Lol wait until you here the teachers reaction.

My math teacher was like, "what?? I hate cats. They scare me. I'm gonna have to bully you now,"

Excuse me, Math teacher but um...bullying children is bad especially for a cause like that. So um....find a better cause to bully me because I have no life

But then she said she was joking and stuff.....idk. Weird class.

So I felt attacked their. Bullying is bad so don't do it. Along with drugs and smoking. How about we all just watch anime and listen to rock music?? Sound good? Alright.

Lol today I was watching the news and this thing came on about some guys who killed someone or were killed. I didn't pay attention until the reporters said something interesting.

So you know how reporters give a bit of background information about people??

Well, it said that those guys play video games and watch anime. I paused my video of Phil talking about his DNA and crap like that. I suddenly started laughing because....they watch anime. I'm not making fun of it so don't take it the wrong way.

They just seemed like the people to watch it. Then I started screaming at the TV and said "Lol do you guys watch Yuri!!! On Ice???"

Of course they couldn't answer me for multiple reasons.

So yeah.


I swear the comment section is just gonna explode because everyone hates me.



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