What the hell is wrong with my fish????

68 11 45

Okay....you know about the dead fish fiasco, correct?

Well...if you don't. Too bad so sad...ya gotta get into the hang of things buddy.


I hate life too.

Anyways, after my dad told my mom about what happened (even though he said not to tell a soul), he came home later and took Susan 2 out of the fish tank and flushed it down the toilet.

I wanted to keep him in there for another 10 days so my friends and I can have a funeral for him or her at my party.

But nope.

My dad just jumped to conclusions as always and threw Susan 2 in the toilet.

Do you think he or she is in hell or heaven? I mean...it legit killed itself in so many ways sooo....hell?

There's no in between because I'm not catholic...or whatever Christian religion that believes in purgatory.

I'm Greek Orthodox so....it's either heaven or hell.

Okay....so after that he called up my mom and told her something.

Then at my grandparents house, my mom said, "I think one of our fish is sick"

I'm like...waaaatttt????

So I go home and check before I leave for this Artfest thing in Town Hall (my art got in it. It looked yuck compared to everyone else's. Even the deformed zebras made by 5 year olds was better than mine)

I thought Susan (the other pink fish) would be sick.

But guess what???

It was the purple one, Dab.

Apparently he had these white spots on it's tail. So I asked the Internet what's up with Dab over here and it said it has this itchiness

We went to the Pet store and got this stuff to heal it. So um...friendos reading this who will be coming to my party

If you see the fish tank an unusual blue color....whelp....it's because of the medicine. It doesn't say how long we have to do it for. Just 48 hours and then another 48 hours which will make it Sunday. Then we have to take out 25% of the water in the tank and put new and clean water in it.

Why can't fish just actually live and not have illnesses????

I swear...I keep getting fish that have problems.

We have a suicidal fish

And now a sick one????

Great, what's next? A cannibal????

(My mom had cannibal swordfish. They almost ate the babies)


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