Tags (Part 2)

58 12 92

Here we go again....

Back at it with the commonly used tagged apparently, right my friends?

Anyways, this one is from Crazy_Cartoon_Lover I assume. Hopefully. It would be extremely awkward if it wasn't. Rip me.

Seriously, I should note who tags me and write down the chapter somewhere so I don't forget.

1) Do I have a Crush?
God, like I said, my crush is KYO SOHMA!!!!

But in real life...my answer is....


2) Middle Name?

3) Height?
5 foot 2

4) Shoe Size?
6 I think. I haven't checked in awhile sooooo

5) Eye Color?

Im in love with my eye color. I think they have to be the only thing I'm proud of myself. I just love how I have a green ring around my iris (I think that's what it's called. I don't do the human body soooooo)

6) Last Time I Cried?
Yesterday (Tuesday—June 27, 2017) One reason was because I did this "Try Not to Cry Challenge". I was overly confident, but there was this animation with an elderly women passing away and a robot was trying to bring her back to life. Ugh!!!! IT WAS SOOOOO SAD!!!!

The second reason was...I don't know. I just ended up crying myself to sleep last night. I might do it again tonight though...

7) Biggest Fear?
Umm...let's see. Killer whales, spiders, bugs, being forgotten, being in love, people neglecting me, being unloved, clowns, Jeff, death, etc.

8) Last Song I Listened To?
Umm...I haven't been listening to music lately since I do that when I'm on the bus going to school or home or at school. I'd say "House Of Wolves" By My Chemical Romance since I bought this new pair of earbuds and I wanted to test them out. That's what song came on through Pandora.

9) Last Person I Texted?

But I also was messaging my internet friends in a group chat on this other app since you can't do group chats on wattpad.

10) Tags?
I'm too lazy to do it. You guys don't have to since...it's just a tag. They aren't that important...


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