Kyo VS Yuki: Epic Rap Battle

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Kyo: *bumps into Yuki* Ugh, you're always in my way, Rat! Can't you take a hint for once?

Yuki: I'm sorry, but you're the one who can never see where you're going with your hair covering your eyes.

Kyo: Says the one with the longest bangs I've ever seen!!

Yuki: You know, instead of fighting to our deaths, we should settle this with a rap battle.

Kyo: You're on, damn Rat!

Kagura: *bursts through door* Did someone say rap battle? Ohhh I've been longing for one of these for years now! Finally, the time has come.

Kyo: Quit yapping and introduce this battle, will ya?

Kagura: Okay, Kyo-Kyo! Epic Rap Battle! Kyo Sohma ((my love <3)) Versus Yuki Sohma! Begin!

Yuki: First things first, you're a Cat, that's right.
The most hated creature in this family, all right?
You come to me complaining it's unfair,
To never get the chance to join the the family affair.
You storm around the house saying how you're the best
But you can't even pass a simple math test.

Kyo: Hey, that's not true! You're just spreading lies!
And besides, you're the one who can't knot his own ties!
I've trained all my life to try to beat you
But somehow you outshine me like the way that you do!
Sometimes I ponder why I'm even here
My life would be much easier if you just disappear!

Yuki: Really? I suppose you could do the same.
Since you're so ignorant to even play this sort of game.
You're constantly fuming about the littlest of things.
When you know that I'm the one that always brings—

Kyo: Enough! You know you have no point!
How about I complete this argument with a successful endpoint.
Now, listen to me, Rat, I'm the Cat; living in distress while you're the aristocrat.
You're so praised for making a mistake!
Oh, and give me a break!
The entire family humiliates Haru, for God's sake.
Your lazy ass sat on the Ox's back
Then jumped off and claim you were the first, you little slack.
Now listen to me, because this will end the case
You keep protecting yourself from women by kicking them in the face!

Yuki: I understand what you mean, but you can't possibly blame me.
Just because I'm the existing Rat doesn't mean I should be teased.
And, as a matter of fact, I do not abuse women
I simply just push them away...same with men.

Kyo: There's a story I heard from a long time ago.
It was about three blind mice who didn't know where to go.
I'm assuming you're one of them since you can't see
That there's a girl who's in love with you, obviously.
We know her way too well, and I know you like her back.
You always take her to that garden of yours, as a matter of fact.

Yuki: Miss. Honda? What do you mean? We're only just friends!

Kyo: That's just an excuse, and put that name do an end!
Quit calling her by her last name because that's not right.
For all I know, you're no gentleman.
So stop before I turn this into a physical fight!

Yuki: You know, I'm done with this crap.
I'll show you how to roast in this epic rap!
So you say that I am in love with that brunette
Sorry, I'm not, but please don't fret.
There's another that I know for sure who likes her.
That someone is you; the man who likes to purr.

Kyo: Again, you're lying!
That's unsatisfying!
And for the record, I don't purr
Especially when it comes to thinking of her.

Yuki: All right, stupid cat, let's finally end this
I know of one thing that will make you nervous

Kyo: Oh, please, you're getting on my nerves.

Yuki: *smirks* Remember that time your Master came for a visit?
Hopefully, since it's not the time to forget it.
Oh, how much it poured that entire day
There was an astonishing reason behind his stay
Now, he knew the truth about the girl
You seemed to grow a liking towards the schoolgirl.
And later that night when he yanked off your bracelet
Horrified, the poor girl's face lit.
But what shocked me the most what that she was determined
In order to find you and save you from that burden.

Kyo: Yeah, yeah, you don't need to remind me.
I'm fully capable of grasping a memory.
But after what she said, she still desired
To stay close to you; the man she admired.
Now hear me out, Rat, just this once
You're nothing but a worthless, shitty dunce!

Kagura: Umm...I can't tell who won!! 😓😓Please leave in the comments below who you think should be declared the winner!

Lol that took awhile to write. I suck at rhyming so sorry if the words don't really correspond with each other. Hope you enjoyed! Also, I might try to do more so leave in the comments which characters I should do next. But they have to be people I know!!! I can't do Natsu and Lucy since...I've only seen episode 1 of Fairy Tale.

Which was 2 years ago.... whoops.


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