Field Trip

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Alright. The first one I had was on Wednesday. I went to this ropes course in some town I've never heard of. I guess you could say it was fun. I mean, bugs didn't want to quit flying in my face so...that was an issue. Also, I had to order a lunch awhile back and I chose the Cheese Sandwich...


I just realized something

That's the name of a character in Mlp.

Oh lord I haven't watched that in weeks. Whoops. I'm such a child.

Anyways, when I got the cheese sandwich, it was cold. Like...the cheese wasn't melted. I wish it was a grilled cheese sandwich. That would've made me happy.

At the ropes course, I ended up doing on of the rope thingies out of 500,000,000,000,000

I'm not scared of heights, it's just the thought of falling is what terrifies me the most. Even though you are on a harness.

The one I did was some thing you had to walk through on tiny logs that shook every time you stepped on them. I actually got across safely. I think it was because one of my friends randomly screamed "Kyo" Probably that.

Whelp, lets enter the real fun, shall we??

The first things I did there were the "low ropes" aka, 2 out of 3 things had ropes involved.

The first one was thing game of my group (which consisted of 11 people I think) having to balance ourselves on some board without tipping over when we sang "Row row row your boat" or whatever the song is called.

Yeah, eventually we balanced it. It look ages, since we had no idea what we were doing.

Next thing was we had to hold hands with people and try to go through these ropes without breaking the chain or accidentally hitting the ropes. Well, that failed big time. I kept hitting the ropes. Hey, I was always a failure in limbo so....that explains it.

Finally...the most horrific experience in my life.

We played this game called Peanut Butter??? I forget what it was actually called but, I'm going to explain this game using volcanoes instead of PB

Anyways, you have to swing across the lava onto a platform. Sounds easy??


My first time swinging...I fell on my knees and now they are covered with bruises. Also, I was wearing my favorite pair of black leggings so they got dirty. Cries.

After 1000 years of having to restart the game because people could barely make it onto the platform, it was finally my turn. Again.

I was so embarrassed!! I could not go onto the platform at all!! I tried my hardest to jump on the rope, but it just didn't want me on it.

Some people did it so gracefully, but then you have me who ends up face down on the ground covered in dirt.

Face down in the dirt
She said, this doesn't hurt!!

Lol sorry that's one of my favorite songs if you haven't noticed.

Anyways...I wanted to cry so badly since I could not make it onto that platform. I would rather through myself into a volcano than embarrassing myself trying to swing.

Le single tear.

Well, at least when I was waiting in line, my friends and I sang the Pokémon theme song. The councilor or whatever she was, sang along too and it made me happy. Like, we need true Pokémon fans, kids. Not those babies that just play Pokémon Go.

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