Please Help Meeeeeee

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Okay so...I want to go to New York, but I also do NOT want to go to New York.

The reasons are...well....

Let's see

1) I get homesick easily. This is one of he major reasons why I don't like going to Greece anymore. Plus the economy and seeing homeless people on the streets makes me burst into tears...

2) What do I do there? Apart from the Statue of Liberty, what else is in New York? I'll bring some money just in case I want to buy shirt. It's not like I need pants. Hahahahahhaahhaa

I only wear black pants/shorts/skirts. And sometimes blue. My dad forced me to wear jean shorts. If he makes me wear actually jeans, I will kill him!1!1!1! I hate the feeling of jeans and they will look ugly on me.

It'll make me even more ugly than I actually am.


3) I'm going with my aunt (and maybe my uncle). No mom, no dad, no brother, and no sister. Do you know how much I'll worry about them??? Plus...My siblings might not feed the fish at all!!!! Poor Evan. He was a good fishy....

I'll miss him if he dies when I'm gone.


Don't, Nicoletta

Don't sing the song



((If you don't know what song I'm referring to, I'm talking about When I'm Gone by Three Doors Down. Odd name for a band but I like their music))

4) My siblings will be pissed1!1!1!!1!11! They will march into my room and destroy EVERYTHING!! They don't know where I'm going yet sooooooooooooooooo hehe....

I'm dead.

But I don't think they actually care about me because I heard them say this last night

Brother: *talking to my sister* Who do you hate the most?

Sister: Teta! ((Nickname I was given when I was little and everyone in my family calls me that. I will sue...))

Me: *slams down shut* everyone hates me now. Then...why am I still here??


5) This goes along with the homesickness one, but I will be there until Monday and I don't want to be in New York for that long. It'll get boring. I just want to go hommmmmmmmeeeeeee and crrrryyyyyyyyyyy myself to sleep every night. I did that last night. I did that the night before. How long can I keep this up?


7) Homeless people. You see, the only reason why I want to become rich (you know...possibly a millionaire or a billionaire) is because I just want to walk around Boston ((because I live in Massachusetts and I'm not gonna go to dorm random place to do this all on my own)) and give those homeless people roughly around...hmm...I don't know...$100 each???

I'm a nice person. Why should I let others suffer while I live a life in luxury?? They can buy whatever they want with $100!! Well...not a house, but they could buy clothes and food. They do need to bundle up when winter strikes. Trust becomes Antarctica when it's winter here. I'm surprised that no penguinos have moved in here yet. Though, there are some at the Aquarium. Good thing there's no whales there or else I'll be dead.

8) I don't know. I just don't want to go in general.

On the bright side, I'll eat a lot more and get more exercise1!!1!1!1 Gotta catch those Pokémon.

I just need to burn off the extra calories from that single banana I consumed today. Nothing else. I don't need food. It's not that important anyways, right? *nervous laughter*

Whelp, I better continue packing. Although, I can't officially finish packing until my mom comes home. She'll have to find me a suitcase.



-Nikki :'(


Me: *walks into parents bathroom* Hmm, I haven't checked my weight in forever. Though, I doubt it changed from 123 pounds. Maybe I'm 130 now. I fee fat....

*steps onto scale and looks at weight*

HOLY CRAP IM 117.5 pounds??????


Whelp, who needs food anyways.

(Sorry I sound so depressed and very self-conscious. I'm not in the best mood today. And it's not because I'm on my period. There's just a few things on my mind right now that's really upsetting...)

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