My Brother's B-day Party

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Yeah so today was my brothers birthday. He turned 10 and stuff. Whooptido

Anyways, we went to this gun place where we played with Nerf guns. Yeah. It's not fun when you're being hunted 24/7 there.

It was filled with little kids so I didn't really have that much entertainment other than getting hit in the face with foam darts.

The instructor even said don't hit anyone in the face.

They should really have kids learn how to shoot a toy gun properly because...I could've died!!

Jk no. I didn't.

Though, the dude said that the floors were slippery due to condensation

Like some 5 year old will know what that is.

Or my brother to be exact because he's special needs sadly. Just a reading and small speech disability, that's all.

But, I slipped somehow and my knee hurts. There's a giant, purple bruise now.

I wasn't even running!!

God, my life hates me.

Anyways...I haven't eaten that much today which is good because I need to lose weight so I can go to CoCo Keys next Saturday.

Whoa at the beginning of March, Nikki?

Yeah, it's for my church. See kids, church isn't always about being nice to your neighbor and stuff like that. It's about going to water parks, and developing a phobia of water slides because I can't look at a picture of one without hyperventilating.

I think that's bad.

Anyways, we had a Star Wars cake from Stop N Shop. It only costed us $20 because they messed up!

We just saved $30 today...out of the $500 we payed because of the Nerf stuff and pizza.

The pizza was actually good. It was from the local town tasted better.

I mean, I think when you have a pizza joint called, "*insert town name* House Of Pizza" it'll taste good.

Better than Dominos actually.

I hate pizza...especially from my school.

But yeah...that's my day.

Guess whose birthday is coming up next??

Somebody in the world whose birthday is tomorrow!!! Whoop whoop!!!

Whelp, I think that's all. It's almost 11 here so I'll be asleep...probably

Idk. My Sims aren't done with life until 1:00 am tomorrow sooo

I can't believe it takes $2,500 to build a Town Hall and it takes $30,000 to build horse stables.

This game is rigged.


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