How the.....????

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So last week I wrote this essay that had to compare a book the class read and Cinderella.

To be honest, the two characters didn't have that much similarities at all. So I tried my best.

She gave us two weeks

I started it on the second week and I haven't touched it the night before it was due.

That say I typed reeeeaalllyyy fast and tried my best to complete it.

I didn't.

So I vowed to myself that I would type it in the morning.

I did.

It was almost time for me to go to school and I finally finished that stupid essay that had no purpose to it whatsoever.

I was about to print it, but my printer legit broke and it didn't want to print. Good thing I had it saved on my flash drive.

But the problem with the Flash Drive is had The Second Cat on it. So I don't want the teacher to press the wrong thing (even though it clearly said the name of the essay...Fighting for Freedom) and read the fanfiction and actually die from confusion.

But she didn't ask for the flash drive. She told Troyelikesboys and I to go to the library and print it out.

Apparently we had he same title. Pretty spooky.

Anyways, when she said she was gonna give the essays back today, I was like "what??? That quick? How can you read over 100 papers that fast??"

I mean, we had a snow day yesterday, the weekend, and a two hour delay today soooooo....of course she graded them fast.

So when I got the essay back, she came up to me and said how excellent it was and how she loved it.

Wow thanks! Just trying to boost my self esteem since I got a *looks at paper*


*legit dies*

WHAT???? What is this??!!!

Someone hacked into the system hmmmmm???? Which one of you guys changed my score from a -2837293829 to a 98%????

I'll find you.

Okay of course that's false but how did I get such a high grade. On the other essays I got, there were a couple of mistakes and I got low 90s.

But since we have a different teacher for the rest of the year (real one has twins and other smol child), maybe she grades differently???


But I actually suck at writing expository writing

I write narratives and fanfictions okay teachers!!! That's why I love writing workshop. I can express my terrible writing where the teacher is in love with my writing.


But seriously...I need to get better vocabulary. The essay sucked because there wasn't that much good vocabulary in it.

It pissed me off.

I never liked vocabulary quizzes back then so I didnt study for them. I still don't but I get all 100%s either way. But back then I failed them.

Sooooooo that means the kids who do study are smarter than me!! Legit my friend on wattpad The_Official_Volpina is so good at writing and has great vocab skills....yet she's younger than me.

Time to read the dictionary 14 times in a row!!

Or I should just binge watch Martha Speaks? That was an amazing show. 10/10. Along with Dinosaur Train.

Those were high quality shows that I still watch from time to time just to learn cool things.

Like velociraptors.

What's the deal with those? Everybody wants to become one in the future.

Don't watch Dino Dan. That was lame.

Anyways, the moral of this story is....

Procrastination is the way to go...ation :|

You'll someday all turn out like me!!

Unless you want to be cool then take the lame path over there.


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