Im not ready

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I'm not ready for voltron season 4. Like it's coming out in like 8 hours and I'm just like "ummmm yeah I'm not prepared"

I've heard rumors saying that it's gonna be REALLY sad but also REALLY funny. See, I'm very emotional and it's not gonna end well if I start sobbing at some scene.

Also there's been rumors of a character death and I'm just hoping it's none of the paladins, except clone shiro.


But anyways, I can't watch it like once it comes out. Like probably the entire fandom is gonna do it but I can't.

One reason is that I don't have Netflix. I've been watching this show on another website so I doubt it won't be uploaded onto that website until like..a week??

A month??

20 years???

So I'll have to watch it with my friend


tomorrow is also homecoming and apparently that's more importante than voltron soooooo I'll have to watch it on Saturday.

Which means I won't be on wechat, wattpad, or voltron amino until I watch season 4 just in case if anyone spoilers something.

But I trust you guys right??

Hahahahahahha trust no one.

But I'll try to be more lenient with wattpad because not that many people on here watch voltron so I think I'll be okay. But just don't spoil anything.

Sure I'm always saying "ooooo I love spoilers" but that's only for a show with a bunch of seasons and I'll get pretty bored if I don't know what's gonna happen next. So that's why I'm always asking people what's gonna happen in a certain episode of Pretty Little Liars because a 44 minute long episode is just too much for me. But I watch it anyways sooooo

So yeah.

Let's hope no one dies1!1!1!!1!

Because I love them all

Except allura because she's really annoying and just ughhhh


There was a spider hanging from the ceiling in my hallway. Like, if I didn't slam myself into the wall, that spider would've been on my face. And I'm TERRIFIED of spiders. Especially the small bois because they spooky.

The big bois are okay but they need to be locked up in a tank or something. Or else I'll start panicking and die

So my brother had to kill the small boi but he kept escaping because he wanted to live?? Sorry if you want to live, don't come into my house. I don't want any spooky bois here okay?? Okay nice bois like inch worms. But then they become moths and that's not good.

So whoops


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