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Holy mother of god I forgot it was my wattpad anniversary yesterday. Oml!!!

If it weren't for my friend Starlight0991 I wouldn't be posting this.

Holy shite. How could I forget such a thing.

I was extremely busy yesterday.

•My parents took me to the bank for like 2 hours (it was either that or working at the church)

•My mom made me vacuum the freaking house

•I got my DS charger stuck in the vacuum. It still works but if I leave wattpad unexpectedly, that means I probably got electrocuted

•I blew a fuse with the vacuum in one side of the house. I had to wait like 2 hours so my dad could come home to fix it

•My mom refused to leave the house to go watch Beauty and the freaking Beast so my sister and I had to beg her. She didn't want to go because it would snow 3-5 inches. Really? When we came back there was legit no snow on the ground.

•My sister went to a party thing

•We went to watch the movie but the 3 o'clock show was sold out so we had to watch the 4:05 show. It didn't finish until 6 or something. WHO THE HELL MAKES A MOVIE THAT LONG???????? But I've never seen the animated one before and I claim Belle is my favorite princess (or kinda princess) in the Disney franchise. So yeah. Idk we have a lot in common sooo.

•I discovered my mom loves the movie and Belle is her favorite. Genetics needs to go kill itself. Go ahead genes, I'm not waiting any longer. Jump off a cliff. And you, Jeans!!! Throw yourself into a fire. Die. Jeans are disgusting. Leggings are way better. 👖🔥🔥

•We had to pick my sister up from the party

•My dad wanted to stay a bit at the party

•Fresking 5 year olds were dabbing and twerking to pop songs.

•They listened to pop songs WITH the music videos.

•We left at 8 o'clock and didn't arrived home until 30 minutes after.

•We banged my head and scraped my foot in the shower. Legit everything wants me dead

•I passed out at 9 and I couldn't message anyone or read their books. Oh and watch YouTube.

•I goddamn forgot my wattpad anniversary

Whelp, there was my April 1st. And yes, it snowed. Thanks Canada! I love the cold air you guys bring us! How about sending over my Meese and bears to eat me? Won't that be fun!

Lol sorry if I offended anyone. I'm just a stupid American.

No wait....I'm not a stupid American. I'm an American idiot!!!


Happy belated anniversary to me

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