New York

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A/N: There will be so many ships in this because my feels for this fandom is too much...Also because I want them all to be happy together ;-; also a lot of lgbt shit cuz very gay and very gender.


As soon as the flight attendant told us we could stand and get our overhead luggage I bolted up. The man beside me was a complete hog and I couldn't stand him. My overhead luggage was my only luggage, I could only pack the essentials because...I didn't want to be reminded of my mother when I looked at the clothes she would fold for me. I shook my head, remembering her will only make things worse!

When I entered the terminal I looked around for my cousin, I'd met him a few times. His name is Peter Lytton, I don't know him that well but he seemed nice from what I had gathered from him. My father refused to see me, he only flew me into the states and made me a legal citizen because my mother, while dying, had went to the press about her bastard son of a rich businessman. The press were all over my story in an instant and my father was forced to care for me or get bad coverage, he even enrolled me in a private school.

I saw a man holding a sign with my name and recognized him as Peter. Happily, I ran to him with my backpack swaying behind me, it was light considering it only had the bare minimum.

"Hi!" I said.

Peter nodded, "Come on. Your father gave me money to take you to get some nice clothes for school and whatnot."

I nodded and followed Peter to his car, it was black, the seats inside were leather. I plopped into the car, I didn't want to imagine what it would feel like in summer with the heat causing the leather to stick and sting. However, it was August in New York, the weather was fair and the leather felt nice.

Peter was silent the whole ride to the mall and so was I, it wasn't awkward, we just didn't have anything to talk about. At the mall Peter took me around, I kept my head low, I didn't know why but I was worried that if anybody saw my face they'd know of my illegitimate past.

Soon, Peter was driving to his house. When he parked I gaped in awe, his house was big! Well, compared to other houses here it was about average, but I'd grown up in a one bedroom house, this thing had at least four! Probably more than four actually.

"Your room is upstairs to the left at the end of the hall, it's got a bathroom attached to it." Peter looked at me and I nodded, "Here's a key to the house, don't lose it." I nodded and bolted inside with my backpack and new clothes, I wanted to see my new room!

As soon as I threw open the door I had to hold my breath, it was bigger than my whole old house! I laughed and threw my backpack on the bed, dancing around the bedroom. When I was done being excited (well less excited) I opened my backpack and put all of my clothes into the dresser and my shirts into my closet, I placed my shoes next to my door. Then, I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my bathroom as well as my shower things.

There was one more thing in my backpack, I had left it for last because I knew it would hurt to touch. I picked up the golden frame with a black and white picture of my mother, her black hair in it's curls, her black eyes sparkling even though they were really brown, her smile as dazzling as always. I haven't seen my mother like this for months, she tried to be strong for me but she couldn't pretend to be happy because we both knew she was dying. I shook my head and placed her picture on the dresser I'd see every time I woke up, I wanted my mother's face to be the first one I saw when I woke up and the last one when I went to sleep. I touched her face, smiling sadly before I turned around to load my backpack with the school supplies my dad had apparently given Peter.

School was very important to me, I would steal money and things that I'd sell just to get the mediocre education that Nevis offered, and now one of the best schools was being offered to me, free! When I was finished I noticed it was getting dark so I skipped downstairs barefoot.

"Peter," I said upon finding him reading in the living room (this place has a flat screen TV!)

"Yes?" Peter asked, he marked his place in his book and stood up to come stand beside me.

"I'm hungry," I told him, I hadn't eaten since breakfast because I knew if I ate with the hog of a man next to me I wouldn't be able to keep it down.

Peter left to the kitchen and I followed silently to see he was preparing food, "Dinner will be done soon, go watch TV or something."

Hurriedly I ran to the living room and flipped on the TV, I've only ever seen a television from far away, never this close! I found this show that looked cool, it was called Drunk History. From what I could gather, they would get a historian drunk and have them narrate history. Currently I was watching Harriet Tubman leading her army of Bad Bitches and laughing.

"It's great to hear you laugh, kiddo." Peter set a plate of fish, potatoes, and green beans in front of me.

I smiled and thanked both Peter and God for the food, then I ate it as I watched Drunk History, Peter beside me. I had a feeling that Peter and I were going to get along well.

"School starts in a week," Peter told me, "Well it started yesterday but enrollment is taking awhile because of your immigration papers."

"Okay," I smiled despite the delay, education was key and I was going to get it albeit a week late! I was positive I'd catch up.

When Harriet Tubman's drunk history episode ended Peter sent me to bed as he himself turned in for the night. I decided to listen to him and dove headlong into the bed, sleep took me a few minutes later. Guess I was exhausted.

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