The Tour

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Peter shook me awake, swiping him away had done nothing. I groaned and sat up, my eyes finding his honey colored orbs.

"What?" I groaned.

He sighed, "It's Monday! You've got to go to the school for a tour before you start tomorrow!"

I sat shocked for a second before I shoved Peter off of my bed and jumped from it, "Why didn't you tell me?!" I cried, shoving my toothbrush into my mouth and eyeing him.

"I did," Peter replied, fixing my bed for me, "For half an hour actually."

Quickly I got dressed and toed my shoes on, "Okay! Let's go!"

Peter laughed and got up, he grabbed his keys from my dresser, I followed him to his car and we went! I was way too excited, President High is a private academy, in expensive private academy. In Nevis, I used to dream about going to President High.

Peter was handing me a paper, it was then that I realize we were here! I looked at the paper to see a schedule, it said I had math first, then science, history, lunch (yay lunch) gym? literature, debate (I love debating) and drama.

"Find the office, then somebody'll give you a tour. I'll be back in half an hour."

When Peter drove off I felt exposed and scared, it just hit me that I had no idea where the office was...nervously I headed towards the office, clutching my schedule close to me. I walked in and found that there were 3 offices! One was named Attendance, the other Guidance, and I went into the office with the words 'Main' written over it. I stood there awkwardly as the door shut, I could feel my face heating up. I had to suppress a sigh of relief when the woman behind the counter asked me my name and what I needed.

"My name is Alexander Hamilton," I said and fidgeted, "I'm new, my cousin said to come here for a tour..." I could feel my voice getting quieter as I went along.

"What did you say?" The woman asked her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard, "Speak up or get out." She spat.

I couldn't help feeling like shit, she was glaring at me and I felt like shrinking into myself.

"Yo!" I shuddered at the loud voice that appeared beside me, a hand landing on my shoulder scared me and I flinched, "He said he's new, got it, hag?" Shocked I looked at the voice to see a man wearing a tie around his head, he had a sort of swagger about him.

"Mr. Mulligan!" The woman shouted. The guy winked at me, I smiled and he walked around the desk and into a room behind it with a bag slung lazily over his shoulder. The woman turned her eyes on me and I stiffened again, "You're new?" She asked.

"Yes!" I said before realizing I was being loud, I do that a lot I think. "Yes." I repeated quieter and then realized I probably shouldn't repeat myself either.

"I assume you're here for a tour of the place?" I nodded and she started typing on her computer. 

A few minutes later a girl in a yellow dress entered the office, "Mr. Walker told me to come down here?" She asked, striding up to the desk confidently.

"Yes, Miss. Schuyler will you show this new student around? He's here for a tour." I smiled and gave a small wave when the girl turned around, she was really cute.

"My name's Margarita," She said, sticking her hand out.

"I'm Alexander," I responded with. She grabbed my arm and led me from the office with a bounce in her step.

"First rule: Get out of the Main Office as fast as you can," The girl sent me a playful look, "'Cuz Miss. Poland is a total bitch! There's a reason she's single."

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