Freckled Boi

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abuse


I sat in the bathroom connected to my room, wrapping gauze around my wrist. He'd stepped on my hand and twisted his foot into it, I'd heard a pop when he did it but my fingers and wrist were okay despite my knuckles bleeding.

Today, I was determined to get back to school. I'd been missing it because everything hurt and father had smashed my phone so I knew my friends were freaking out, Lord knows how Alex was behaving. It's been about two weeks now, I was waiting for the visible marks to fade-mostly to my face. My lip was still busted but the black eye and the bruise across my face had disappeared.

I threw on a long sleeved shirt and pants, and fingerless gloves. There was nothing I could do about my lip, but I couldn't live another day without them. I didn't even know the date anymore that's how long I've been isolated.


I walked to school and met up with my friends as usual, but, he was gone again. The love of my life...

"Je suis désolé mon ami." Laf said, putting an arm around my shoulder, I shrugged it off. I was concerned beyond belief, the last thing he said was that he'd see me tomorrow and that he was busy. Well it's been two weeks so where the hell is he?! He never told any of us where he lives otherwise I'd be at his door in seconds, I'm already tempted to hack into the school's student system and find out myself.

"Hey guys..." I turned around ready to tell whoever it was to fuck off in my bad mood but there he stood, my freckled future husband. I ran over and hugged him tightly, he flinched back with a hiss before hugging back.

I pulled back and held his face in my hands, I noticed his lip was split, I ran my thumb over it gently but just that movement caused a little blood to seep down it. Quickly I brushed the red away from his face, "What happened to you?" I asked quietly.

"" He said it more like a question, and I'd already noticed that whenever John lies he looks away for a second before he says it, and shifted his weight to his other foot as his eyebrow raised. In essence; John could only lie to people who didn't know him as well as I do.

"John please." I held him closer, careful not to squeeze too hard, "Where else are you hurt?" Who could hurt such an angel?!

John sighed and looked down, "I-I can't tell you, Alex..." He looked like he might cry and after so long of not seeing him that's the last thing I wanted. I might cry too to be honest.

"Okay-okay hey, John." He had already began crying, "D-Don't cry! It's fine, you don't have to tell me." I felt terrible for pushing it, God I can't mind my own business sometimes. I didn't even think that it might be a private issue.

"I want t-to!" John cried louder, quickly our group formed a little circle so the other students couldn't see him and then go on to gossip about it.

"But you can't." I pieced together, I hid my anger not wanting to scare him but the minute I find out who was doing this, and you can bet your sweet ass I will find out, I'm going to rip their voice box out through their throat and ask them how it feels to be silenced after doing this to John.

John shook his head and began to calm down, "I can't..."

I wiped his tears away, kissing his cheek as I was afraid to kiss him in case it made him bleed again, "It's okay, you don't have to."

John nodded, and I took his hand and lead him to our math class, I was glad I'd gotten him back but John being bashed wasn't something I wanted to see.

In drama I sat out with John, trying my hardest to make him smile. The last time he'd smiled we were playing Mario Kart two weeks ago. Would any of this have happened had I not cheated? I mean probably but what if the cheating caused a domino affect to hurt John? I don't know...I just..I don't know how to help. Maybe make him laugh? I've already tried shitty animal jokes but I can keep trying I guess.

"John what do you call a fake noodle?" I asked, my whole focus on John as it has been this entire day.

John looked at me, his eyes on my face but I could see his mind was elsewhere, "I don't know, what?"

"An imPASTA!" I shouted, grinning at my own joke.

John tried to look disappointed in the pun but he wound up laughing quietly, "Goddammit Alex."

I looked him over again, the way he was laying down, his head on my lap, showed me just how skinny he was becoming, "Are you eating okay?" I asked, already knowing the answer. John looked away and I sat him up, "Here have my fries." I took the container I hadn't eaten at lunch because I was too worried to eat, I handed it to John.

"No Alex I already ate half your lunch I c-"

"-Eat something." I interrupted and thrust the fries at him. John sighed and ate the fries a little begrudgingly, "John I don't know what's going on...but I just want you to stay safe, okay? Stay safe and stay alive."

"Okay..." John looked over at me and managed a small smile before he began to just eat the fries with no sign of stopping which caused me to laugh at him. "I'm hungry!" He whined at my laughing. At least he's eating, that's all that matters to me.

"I still have pizza from lunch you can have the last slice too." I told him and as he began to tell me no but I shoved it into his hands and raised an eyebrow.

"O-Okay." John picked it up and ate it, and I noticed something trickling down his fingers from his glove when they rested at his sides.

"Oh John..." I picked his hand up and despite his attempts to stop me and I pulled his glove off to find it wrapped tightly in blood soaked bandages.

"Sorry.." John mumbled, the rest of the pizza still in his mouth as he quickly ate it.

"It's not your fault." I put his glove back on and pulled him to me, putting his head against my chest like it had been at Disney except this was...this was so very much different. I rested my hand on the side of his head, "One day...I'm going to find who's doing this to you and I'll make them really fucking sorry."

John snuggled into me, he thanked me and in a few minutes I realized he had fallen asleep. I held him as I was and glared at anybody who spoke too loudly. I don't think John has slept in awhile, the bags under his eyes were huge.

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