I Will

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I couldn't believe him! I mean, it wasn't my fault, I can't control my body or anything! He's never blown up over anything in the past, but over this?! Really?! He decided to throw a fit over such a small request? Oh yes Aaron, I, your sickly girlfriend who is bed ridden, will just get up and get a cup of water and my medicine by myself. It wasn't even like I asked meanly, I just, ugh! It'll make more sense to just...

I was sat on my bed, Aaron was on his computer in a chair by the window, I was watching Shadowhunters on the television when my alarm went off. When I picked up my phone I realized it was already six, medicine and food time, so as I've done dozens of times before I asked Aaron as nicely as I could as I know it gets testing to have to constantly get things for me, "Aaron, it's dinner meds time." When I saw his eyebrows furrow in frustration as he typed harder on the computer I added, "Please."

When Aaron threw his laptop onto the floor and stood up aggressively I was much more than surprised, a small part of me was actually scared. I went to ask him what was up when he put up a finger that signaled for silence. I bit back my response as he said, "Can't you just do it your fucking self for once?" He'd said it in an even voice but I could tell he was angry though I don't know why.

I shook my head slowly, "No I can't, you know that." He started pacing and I couldn't hold back my earlier response this time, "What's wrong, babe? You can always tell me." When Aaron was angry about one thing usually he hides it by taking his aggravation out on a different thing, I've noticed this about him over the past few months of our relationship.

Aaron stopped pacing and finally looked directly at me, "What's wrong?" He repeated in a sarcastic voice, "Most boyfriends don't have to play babysitter for their girlfriends." He replied, that one struck a chord and I just stared at him, shocked. "Don't give me that stupid ass look, I swear, it's the only one you ever give anybody anyway!"

I stood up and almost fell, but I managed to lean against the wall. For a hopeful second, I saw worry flicker into Aaron's eyes but it disappeared as soon as it came. I mustered up what I could to hold a glare, "I don't care what you're going through you do not speak to me like that!" Aaron opened his mouth to reply but I continued, "I am not Thomas Jefferson, I am not Alexander Hamilton, I am not James Madison, I am your goddamn girlfriend and you will treat me with respect or you won't have a girlfriend anymore." I would cross my arms but I was afraid I would fall without support from the wall.

Aaron looked surprised for a moment and asked, "You...are you talking about a breakup?" He asked, in his eyes, I saw surprise but also the now suppressed anger from earlier. I didn't understand, why was he angry with me?

I didn't want to breakup but I was drawing a line so I nodded, "Boyfriends do not insult their girlfriends over things they can't control. Teasing? That happens. Arguing? Every couple does that. But throwing insults? No. If you really didn't want to help me today then you should've said so, then I could've gotten my parents." I sighed, "But if you're going to treat me like that over my sickness then you need to find a new girlfriend." I hoped now he'd understand, maybe now he'd chill out?

"Fine." I looked at him, scared and shocked, "I will." My heart probably broke in two as he stormed out of the room, not even bothering to grab his laptop, every door he passed was slammed closed leaving me alone.

I sat back down on the bed, was I single? What the Hell? Did I take it too far? I just wanted him to realize that he couldn't blow up over a simple request and I wanted him to know that he couldn't take his anger out on me, I didn't do anything to warrant that!

I probably sat on that bed too long because suddenly my stomach started convulsing, I looked at the clock on my bedside table to see I was about two and a half hours late on my meds! This was bad, I couldn't get up from the pain and I couldn't reach my phone, I remember leaning over the bed and vomiting until there was nothing left and my throat burned. Then, just blackness.

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