The Princesses are Evolving

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Quickly we fixed Peggy's hair bun things before we ran out and jumped onto the boy's backs. I threw myself onto Alex, Eliza onto John, and Peggy onto Laf. They stumbled and made a mixture of noises, Laf began laughing while Alex and John made an 'oomph' sound.

"Hi!" Peggy yelled while giggling herself.

"Bonjour?" Laf chuckled, holding onto her thighs so she didn't fall as I hopped off of Alex and Eliza clung to John who begrudgingly held her up.

"Surprise! Now we all match!" Eliza said, the boys looked at us and then realized. We were now all Star Warsish! Eliza, Peggy, and I had gone full costume while the boys only had Leia hair.

"This is kind of awesome actually." John said, managing to get Eliza off of him, she was dressed as Leia.

"Let's hit this place with our awesomeness!" Peggy shouted, she was dressed as Padme. I went with Rey. 

"We were actually about to meet with Aaron, Theodosia, and Herc at the Pirate of the Caribbean ride." Alex said.

"Oh leggo!" Peggy said and pointed forward from over Laf's shoulder.

Laf shrugged and took the lead, we followed him to the ride, Peggy on his back the whole way until he set her down as we regrouped with everybody.

"Oh man you guys look awesome!" Herc  said, looking all of us over.

John nodded, "The girls look better..."

"True." I agreed and nodded my head, "But we are in full costume."

"I think your hair is cute." Theo said to the boys and they smiled.


We got on the ride and as soon as we'd been buckled in John whispered, "Never look back." He was next to me, the ride was two to a bench. Theodosia and Aaron were in front of us and Laf and Herc behind.

"Why not?" I asked, telling me not to do something is a surefire way to get me to do it.

"Just don't." That settles it. I'm going to look back.

The ride started normally, going up and down and then it entered a cave-type thing with references to the movies all around it, it even felt cold enough to be water. I put my arm around John when I felt him shiver and pulled him a little closer.

Then I did it...I looked back. And I saw horribly scary puppet things on top of the cave ceiling with what looked like mangled faces that were fusing together. I couldn't help it...I screamed. John pulled my face forward again, "I said not to."

"What the actual fuck?!" I whisper yelled.

John fidgeted, "Disney is just too lazy to get them down so they stay where they are and rot."

"This should be a horror ride..." I grumbled and crossed my arms. I don't really remember the rest of the ride as it was a blur after the puppet things.

When we got off, Laf and Herc took one look at me, before turning into laughing idiots, "What?" John asked.

They pointed at me before laughing some more but managed to explain it was about my scream, "It was for good reason!" I yelled as my face heated up.

"I think it was an orgasm." Aaron teased as he walked over, "I mean, there was a screen of Johnny Depp."

"I don't get off to Johnny Depp!" I yelled back.

"Honey~" Peggy put an arm around my shoulders despite my attempts to slide them off, "Everybody gets off to Johnny Depp~"

"You're gay." I pointed out and she dropped her arm with a scowl, "Hey it's true."

"Why'd you scream?" Eliza asked as she came up and joined us.

John chuckled and I glared at him but he answered for me, "He looked back." And soon everybody was laughing.

Oh so they all knew?! "You all wanted me to look back!" They knew and they wanted to watch me fail.

They looked at each other and then began laughing harder as I crossed my arms. John pouted and put his chin on my shoulder and I tried to keep the upset look on my face but it melted as his hands started tickling up my side causing me to convulse into laughter, trying to escape him but he wasn't letting me go anywhere. A few moments later we'd all ended up in a giant group hug.

"I really do love you guys." Angie said.

"Oh don't get sappy!" Peggy complained.

"I love you guys as well." Herc said, talking over Peggy.

"J'aime mes amis." Laf smiled at us.

"My life wouldn't be the same without you guys." Eliza spoke up.

Aaron chimed in with, "You guys are ann-" Herc elbowed him in the rib, "A delight!" We all laughed and broke up the hug.

"You guys want to go watch the firework display they're having tonight and eat Chinese takeout?" Theo asked, "Because that sounds like a good time to me."

"Sounds like a perfect night." Herc said, "Let me just text the twins."

Soon our whole group of friends was sat atop a green hill, a checkered blanket spread out, and Chinese food in our hands as fireworks went off.

"You want to know what I've always wanted to know?" Victoria spoke up as she picked at her food.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Out of everything that the Asians could've eaten rice with..." She held her chopsticks up, "How the HELL did two sticks win?!"

We laughed at her but nobody had an answer. We talked on that hill until well after midnight, it was a perfect end to the day. If we could spend every day like that we'd be happy every day.

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