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John (Laurens), Herc, Angie, Eliza, Peggy, Tori, Nate, father, Aaron, Theo, Maria, James (Reynolds), Thomas, James (Madison), John (Church), and I all gathered inside our living room, setting it up for Laf's birthday. Which was today. We sort of procrastinated. But it's fine, we've got it done in time-despite Thomas being a complete dick like always. Why does Laf have to be so popular? He's on good terms with basically everybody in the entire school which makes creating a guest list next to impossible while also meaning I have to deal with Jefferdick.

"We're done." JC spoke up once the last streamer had been put up. He was a bit of a weird guy, John Church, though I didn't particularly dislike him. He wasn't a yes-man, he definitely had opinions, but he always had a straight face and didn't like anything fun like games. But he was respectful to everybody until they have him a reason not to be respected and I can respect that in a guy.

"No thanks to Hamilton." Thomas spoke up and John grabbed me before I could run over and punch his smug ass face. I did way more for this party than he had! How dare his moldy cheese smelling ass say anything against me!

"SUCK MY ASS, JEFFERSON!!" I yelled, flailing as I tried to escape John. I don't care what the punishment is, I'm going to punch him so hard he won't need to shave to keep that annoyingly perfect beard anymore!

"Language!" Father cut in before anybody could respond, I stopped flailing when his eyes passed over John and me, "Today is Marie-Joseph's eighteenth birthday and we're going to throw the best party with no fighting. Do you understand me?" We all nodded solemnly, "I'm going to go get Marie-Joseph now." Father walked out and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief.

"Don't make him angry." Tori muttered and we all nodded again. John released me and smiled apologetically, I only stretched my arm because he had such a strong grip on me.

Laf walked in with father and grinned, "Bonjour!" He looked around the room and brightened up even more as he recognized the faces of his friends, "This is for my date de naissance, no?" He asked, a light bulb seemed to go off over his head.

"Obviously." Thomas replied and I had to stop myself from calling him a pompous douchenozzle. He doesn't need to be such a sarcastic asshole on Laf's birthday! God, he should just transfer to Washington.

"Happy birthday!" The Schuyler sister shouted in unison, the rest of us joined in after realizing what they were yelling.

"Happy 18th, Marie-Joseph." Father said, a hand landing on Laf's shoulders which only made the boy happier, "Now you're an adult, however, you will always be my boy."

"Je vous remercie, papa." Laf replied, looking at father with a smile. Father wasted no time in pulling Laf into a tight but gentle embrace, a rare display of public affection between father and literally anybody. Then, Laf saw Herc and grinned, "'ow's the prettiest person in the world?" He asked in his usual smooth French accent.

Herc shrugged and gave Laf a fleeting look before casually saying, "I don't know. How are you?" We all sucked in a breath because DAMN SON!

Laf was silent for a moment as his face flooded read, "I'm fi-ine." His voice cracked and it caused me to almost laugh, John elbowed me in the gut to stop me. Herc then crossed the room and kissed Laf, Laf kissed back instantly, Herc locked his arms around him as Laf tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

When they pulled apart Herc said, "I want to give you my gift first and also right now." He looked at father who nodded, what were they planning?

"Okay." Laf tilted his head in confusion, we all listened into their conversation.

"Laf, I know you've only just turned eighteen and granted I'm only seventeen for three more weeks but I know one thing for certain." He fiddled and took a ring from his pocket and I gaped as Laf looked like he might cry, was he proposing?! "And this isn't a proposal, Laffy." Oh. "I know we're too young for that but I wanted to give you this promise ring to let everybody know that you're mine. I've known that you are the one I want to marry for years upon years. You shook my hand that caused me to feel a spark, I've knew you were the one since that moment. So, Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, will you be promised to me?" By this point they were both in tears and I felt something sting my own eyes. Herc held the ring up and spoke in shaky French, "Je t'aime."

"Je t'aime aussi mon amour," Laf choked out, kissing Herc as we cheered. When they separated again, Herc took Laf's hand and slid the promise ring onto it.

When they separated Herc smiled widely, "I love you Laf. I promise to be true to you, to love you. For the good, for the bad, for whatever. We'll get a house on the hillside and please, always remember that I'll always love you forever and always. I promise." He seemed to be fumbling over his words, he probably hadn't planned them, but it was adorable.

"Hercules, je promets to reserve my love for you and only you and je promets to be there for you no matter the time, situation, or weather. I love you, je t'aime tellement." Laf said, making his own promises to Herc.

They kissed again and I looked to John with tears in my eyes only to find him absolutely bawling I hugged him and grinned, happy for my friends but I felt like now I was expected to do the same with John and I knew I wanted to keep going at the pace we were going. Laf and Herc are just way more mature and can make these huge life decisions easily, John and I were good.

Laf's birthday progressed with minimal arguments, he got many gifts. Eliza gave him a copy of Pride & Prejudice, Angelica gave him a copy of Common Sense, Peggy gave him a sunhat, sunglasses, and she baked him crepes so he would have a sense of home. My John got him Star Wars figurines and merch, and I got him a slush machine and a shit ton of assorted stuffed animals. Tori got him two tickets to Sweeney Todd (I'm jealous) and Nate got him a copy of Spiderman: Homecoming. Aaron got him candles, meaning he had no idea what to get Laf and Theo got Laf a cookbook and baked him a batch of brownies. Maria gave him a BB gun and James R gave him him a shit ton of cash. JC, who I don't even know, gave Laf a sketchbook and a lot of expensive art equipment. Father gave him a car! Like, a legit car! And Thomas gave him designer clothes that I could care less for. However, the weirdest thing...the most outrageous gift came from James actual baby alligator.

Well, we're in for an interesting time with an alligator joining this household. Laf named him Sanders.

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