Not An Interlude

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People came and went, I didn't distinguish who they were I just acknowledged their presence. I cried, and held John's hand. I didn't leave his room, not once. I didn't eat or drink so I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom.

The doctor said he was in a coma but he had brainwaves still so he had a chance. It's been two weeks, some people stayed in these comas for years. But my John is smart, my John is good, my John is innocent, and above all my John is strong. I'll have him back soon. I will!

"Son." I looked up as Father entered, sitting next to me, Laf still at the door. I nodded to show I was listening and returned my gaze to John's resting face, it was almost like he was asleep. "He goes to court today. They want you to testify."

I bit my lip and looked John over again, "N-Now?" I didn't...couldn't leave him.

"You need a shower first and some food." Father put an arm around me, "He'll be here when you come back." But if I left him I wouldn't be with him now.

"Oui, I'll stay 'ere myself mon frère, for you." Laf spoke up.

"No I can't leave him." I held John's hand tighter, "They have my statement." When John went to the hospital they'd made me give an official statement for the investigation about what I knew, I assume everybody else did too, but I didn't ask.

Father sighed, "A statement isn't enough for a convi-"

"-What?" I turned and looked at him with dread, "There's a chance that asshole won't get locked up?!" That couldn't happen.

He nodded, "But if you were to-"

"-Okay." I looked back at John, I would kiss him but he's got this tube down his throat to make him breath. Honestly it all looked scary and John looked so small against it all. "I'll go. For him." I got up and kissed John's forehead. "I love you, Johnny, and I'll be back in a few hours."

"Mon frère, je suis tellement désolé. Vous pouvez toujours me parler.." I looked at Laf and smiled a little.

"I know." I looked back at John as I went to the door, "I just...I love him so much. Keep him safe."

"I will." Laf went to the chair I was in and sat, looking at John with sympathy.

Father lead me out so I could get ready for the court hearing. I admit, I'm glad I took a shower after those two weeks.


I walked into the hospital room and sat next to Laf, putting a hand on his knee, just trying to comfort him. I could see the tears dripping down his face at a fast pace, soaking his facial hair.

"Laf, he'll be alright." I said, putting a hand over his and John's. I myself wanted to believe that, I knew there was a chance he wouldn't be alright but I pushed it aside, I had to be strong for everybody including myself.

"But what if 'e isn't?" Laf replied and turned to me with a heartbroken expression, an expression that broke me, "He's mon amie...Un de mes meilleurs amis.."

The problem with a French boyfriend is when he speaks French and you do not. I just reached over and pulled him to me, holding him close and hoping that was enough to comfort him. But I knew it wasn't, because it wasn't enough for me.


I came back into the hospital and went straight to John's room, the verdict was put off for another date that I'd have to be present at as well. Father had made me change out of the court suit and into something more casual before he let me get back to John.

I walked in to see Laf and Herc asleep in the corner, I smiled and threw a blanket over them, "Goodnight guys." I was glad they were alright.

I went and put my hand over John's again, leaning my head against the bed and falling asleep. My dreams plagued with the possibility of living a life without John.

In the morning I woke up to an empty room save John, though he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon...I kissed the knuckles of his hand and sighed, squeezing his hand, "I wish I could kiss you."

Then the heart monitor connected to him started going crazy, I looked at it as panic consumed me and I hit the nurse call button, I felt John squeeze my hand and I looked up at him, he was staring at me with both fear and panic.

"John, John! John relax! Chill out!" I held his other hand down as he kept trying to rip the tube down his throat out, I didn't want him to hurt himself.

Quickly, not quick enough in my opinion, doctors and nurses came into the room and I stepped out as they pulled the tube out slowly, I couldn't watch that so I stayed in the hallway with Lad and Herc until they said I could go back in. Standing in the hallway made my legs ache, I felt weak?

"Go on." Herc said, motioning to the door.

"What about you two?" Didn't they want to see John too?

Laf smiled, "Of course we do but he's your copain. Plus you stayed in that room all this time...just go, garçon amoureux."

I looked between Laf and Herc one more time before going back into the hospital room, meeting John's eyes for the first time in what felt like forever, "J-John?" I walked over to him and took his hand again, when he squeezed my hand I felt the most relieved I'd ever felt before.

"Alex..." He looked me over in a scrutinizing manner, "You look like shit." Ah of course that's the first thing he tells me.

I smiled and hugged him, "God I love you." I pulled back and kissed him and then pulled back again. I just wanted to see his face! He's alive! "I'm so glad you're okay."

" told me to stay alive so I did." He managed a small smile even though his lips were chapped beyond all hell.

I noticed him reaching for the glass of water on his side table and I got it for him, "I'll take care of you, love, just tell me everything you need." I told him.

"Alex you don't ha-"

"-I'm going to because I love you." I said and helped him drink from the cup since his hands were still shaking slightly.

"Then chap stick, Lexi." John said and I laughed, finding some and helping him put it on for the same reason as earlier.

"Just in time, John." I commented and he looked at me confused, "Our anniversary's next week so you might be out of the hospital by then and we can have a proper first year celebration."

"I-I'll try."

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