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"I swear to God Alex if you don't pick a movie I will!" Peter whined playfully, putting his plate of food onto the coffee table next to mine.

"I can't decide!" I said as I debated between choosing Les Mis and Moana, "These are both great!"

"Just pick Moana," Peter said as he took a seat, "I've seen Les Mis so many times to impress distinguished guests and also on Broadway more times than I can count."

"Now you're just bragging!" I whined, I've always wanted to see Les Mis live. I put Moana in anyway.

"Tell you what, if you get good grades this semester I'll take you to see Les Mis on Broadway."

"You'd better," I huffed, taking a spoonful of mashed potatoes onto my spoon and shoving it into my mouth.

"It's a promise."

"What is a promise?" I blinked and then remembered.

After Peter...left had Laf dragged me back to his house and stayed with me the whole night. In the morning my dad had asked Mr. Washington to take care of me because he couldn't. Translation: He didn't want to. Mr. Washington agreed and here we are.

"Peter..." I sighed, "He promised to take me to see Les Mis on Broadway if I got good grades..." I wiped the tear that had escaped my eye away. Laf gave me a hug, Laf's hugs were nice but Herc's hugs were epic. I've been able to figure these things out in the last week, since hugs and kind words are all I've been given.

Angelica's hugs are strong, Eliza's sweet, Peggy's comforting and she fits perfectly against me so I feel bigger. Victoria's hugs feel like a parent's and Nathan's are awkward. I even got a hug from Aaron Burr even though it was still, and Maria Lewis gave me a hug that felt like I was taking a bath and she was the water, wait, that's a weird analogy. Mr. Washington did nothing but hug me, though I don't mind, I just feel a bit awkward receiving a hug from such a wall of a man. But of all the hugs, John's are the best. John's hugs aren't epic, John's hugs aren't strong, John's hugs are perfect. He runs his hands through your hair and the other down your spine, he lets you wrap your arms around him and sob for however long you need to, he whispers sweet nothings and words of understanding. John's hugs are the best.

"Mon ami, we shall see Les Mis, no?" Laf pulled back and smiled, "I've always wanted to see it considering it is about France," His smile turned into a smirk, "La France est le meilleur pays, no?"

I snorted, "You wish."

Laf laughed at this, "Oui, Amérique is truly magnifique."

I sighed, Laf often tried this. He'd make an off handed joke that he doesn't even want to say in the hopes that it'll lift my spirits. Granted, it does, but it's still predictable.


I knew there was only one way we were going to cheer Alex up. If he stayed by himself he's just going to slip into more gloom and start to blame himself. We had to throw the biggest goddamn party this school had ever seen! Wait Angelica no, this is Alex we're talking about. Maybe just a small party with our friends group.

"Eliza! Peggy!" I called through my door, already typing plans into my phone. My two sisters appeared moments later.

"Yeah?" Peggy asked, she must have been in the weight room as she was only wearing a sports bra and shorts.

"We have to throw a party," I stated as if it was obvious.

"Why?" The both of them asked.

"Because," I started and stopped to type more into my phone before I continued, "Alex needs a distraction."

"So, what's the plan?" Peggy asked, blowing a bubble with her gum.

I smirked, "You know me so well," I turned to Eliza, "You're dad's favourite so you get to convince him to let us have this party," Eliza looked like she wanted to argue with my statement but just nodded, "Peggy you'll come up with the guest list and the supplies we need."

"And you?" Eliza asked.

"All in due time, my sweet sister," I replied, "I'm going to get Alex here," We departed from one another after rounding out the plan.

I called Laf, he picked up on the 3rd ring as usual, "Bonjour, c'est moi."

"We're throwing a party tomorrow," I told him, "Bring Alex."

"I shall," Laf replied instantly, "This is to detract him, no?"

"Yep! Is it that obvious? Will Alex find out that quick? It doesn't work as well if they know."

"I shall make in not as obvious." Laf replied, we talked for a few more minutes before Laf said, "See you tomorrow," And we hung up.

That night Peggy and I hung decorations up around the house, Eliza hung pictures of Alex's cousin too, and we put a list of food items for tomorrow in the fridge, we'll prepare them tomorrow so they're fresh. That night we went to bed with a plan.

Too Young and Blind (High School Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now