Not-Quite-Disney Princesses

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"S'il vous plaît S'il vous plaît S'il vous plaît S'il vous plaît S'il vous plaît S'il vous plaît!!" Laf cried, repeating his words of begging over and over again.

I groaned and finally gave up, he had bunned his hair to the two sides of his head already and was begging John and I to let him do it to our heads and I just give up on telling him no. If I'm going to be a princess, Leia was the best one to be.

Within 5 minutes my hair was done and I looked into the mirror as Laf stood looking proud at his creation, "Holy shit Laf this is amazeballs..." The thing that surprised me the most is that it didn't feel like two things were stuck to the side of my head, it just felt like ponytails.

"Don't you mean..." John paused for dramatic affect, " balls?" Cue the finger guns.

"Get 'im." Laf mumbled and I nodded immediately tackling John because there's no way in hell he's getting away with that fucking pun.

"No! I like my hair! Don't do this! I'm an innocent soul!" John cried, struggling against us but we managed to pin his hair up. John frowned into the mirror when I held it up to him, "This is cruel and unusual punishment."

"Oh shush you." I laughed and patted the buns but Laf smacked my hand away, "Why?"

"No touch." Laf said simply but seriously, he then took his phone out, "Selfie time!"

"No!" John cried trying to escape having his Leia hair of shame documented in picture form. Laf secured him around the waist and I put my head next to Laf's as we took the selfie, John obviously trying to get away in the picture.

"Instagram it." I said quietly and he nodded, doing just that and tagging John and I in the picture captioned 'At Disney land with my favourite princesses #blessed

John's phone dinged and we turned to him, watching him and mentally preparing ourselves for what came next, soon enough, "WHAT THE FUCK NO!! DELETE DIS!!!!!" It was too late, people began liking and commenting on the picture.

AngieSky: Aw I love my gay sons

P-Hair: @AngieSky *gay and bisexual

AngieSky: @P-Hair Shit you right

NotAnIntroduction: So cute! <3

Nothing_But_Regret: Leia is the best princess honestly

victoria_hale14: It's favorite #MURICA

Majesty: @victoria_hale14 No it's favourite because we made the fucking language

victoria_hale14: @Majesty We won the war bitch and we're stronger

Majesty: @victoria_hale14 Trump

victoria_hale14: @Majesty You got me there, bud.

WHEEE: Nice hair

Elizabeth Schuyler: Squee! So cute! I love it!

A-A-Ron: John's face kills me, so intense, and then Laf and Alex are just like #Selfie

Wot_in_Tarnation: Dear sir...what the fcuk?

AngieSky: @Wot_in_Tarnation You shush your mouth, it's gorgeous

Wot_in_Tarnation: @AngieSky It's gay

AngieSky: @Wot_in_Tarnation Yeah true

Laf read them out loud as John groaned loudly, "My life it overrrrr!" He held his hands up like he was cursing a God or something.

I chuckled, "Just own it, John. Nobody can make fun of you if you act confident with it." Now that I think about it, I want that on a shirt.

John frowned and looked at us with his puppy dog eyes, "But I'm not." I would've responded to that because he has every reason to be confident and I want him to see how amazing he is but Laf shouted before I could.

"LET'S GO MEET PETER PAN!!" Laf pointed out of the Disney hotel window at the Peter Pan costume guy. Quickly we ran to him and forgot about our hair because Peter Pan.

"Why hello!" Peter said when we approached, bowing at his waist.

"Salut!" Laf jumped around excitedly, "Peut-on avoir une photo?!" He hadn't even noticed he was slipping back into his mother tongue.

"What?" Peter looked bewildered.

"Can we have a photo?" I translated.

"Oh of course!" He waved the Wendy over so she could take a picture of us all with Peter, "But only if you can make a proper ER-ER-ER-ER-ERRRRRRR!" He said, making that rooster noise.

"Okay!" John readily repeated Peter who nodded enthusiastically and complimented him which caused John's face to split in a wide grin.

"Oui oui, I've got this." Laf cupped his mouth and made a rooster noise louder than the other two.

"Two down!" Peter exclaimed and turned to me.

"Oh right." I blushed in embarrassment as a small crowd had formed to see what the hell was happening.

"Come on Lexi!" John whined, and Laf repeated his tone and words, soon Peter had done it too.

"Okay okay!" I huffed and then did the damn rooster thing.

"Yay!" John hugged me and then pulled me over to Peter and Laf.

"Okay on three!" Wendy said, pointing the phone at us, "One..." I took my pose beside Peter, Laf on his other side, and John on his knees in the front, "Two..." I put up bunny ears behind Laf's head, "Three!" She took the picture and handed the phone back.

Laf looked it over and giggled, showing me. I laughed harder than was probably expected, we'd given each other bunny ears! "Dorks." John cut in and we laughed.

When we were far enough away Laf whispered, "I heard that the Peter Pans were always hot but...damn." He whistled lowly.

I looked back but John grabbed my face and turned it back, "You don't get to check people out anymore." He said.

"HA! Busted!" Laf chimed in, laughter in his voice.

"Sorry!" I said as I felt my face heat up, "But Laf said the thing so I-"

"-Alex it's fine." John said and laughed a little, "But remember, you're not single so you don't get to do all the things you used to do anymore."

"PIÈGE!" Laf shouted and I shook my head at him because he was wrong.

"Well now I get to do so much more." I told him and kissed him, sending a meaningful look Laf's way.

"I get it!" Laf whined and his whining increased as I rested my hands on John's hips, "Mes amies! I don't want to be a third wheel!"

We broke apart and John frowned but shook it off, "Fiiiiiiine!"

"Let's go get pizza!" I yelled and pointed at the Ratatouille restaurant down the street.



With that I grabbed their hands and ran to the restaurant...because food is life.

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