Then We Got Drunk

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John, I don't think he knows how much I love him. John's been a brother to me for so long and now I'm going to put my feelings for Alexander aside for him. I like Alex, but I love John too much to break his heart. As we baked in the kitchen and got the pizza from Domino's I thought of how much my life would be different if I just told John that I liked Alex, I know if I did then John would pretend he didn't, John would probably hook us up and continue to pretend to be straight.

"We should get them together," Peggy had said it so innocently but I will never be the same.

"Totally," Angie had replied. I hummed in agreement and turned to put the cake into the oven so they wouldn't see the tears leaving my eyes.

"Victoria's bringing alcohol," Angie said as she looked over her phone, "Well, she and Nathan, but we all know Nathan's too innocent to grab some by himself."

That's true, Nathan hates to break rules and if Victoria was bringing alcohol it means she's stealing it from their neglecting parents, Nathan could never steal anything from anyone. Alcohol would help me tonight probably.


Lafayette picked me up at around seven with Alex in the back, I hopped in besides him and smiled in the hopes that he would smile back. Alex sent me a genuine smile which surprised me, I looked into the rear view mirror to see Lafayette smirking, he sent me a wink. Laf must have done something to Alex to make him happy I guess.

"We just gotta get Herc!" Laf cheered as he pulled out of my driveway and headed towards the Mulligan's. I wanted to comment on Laf's obvious crush on Herc but instead I focused on Alex with my peripheral vision. Alex wasn't frowning, which was good, but he wasn't smiling either unless it was to a joke and he would laugh, it wasn't a fake laugh either. I guess I'm just happy that he's doing better than the boy I found in the foyer, eyeing his hanging cousin.

"What is up my crazy crew?!" Hercules shouted as he swung into the car. We all laughed at him.

"Tu es fou mon cher," Laf said with a grin wider than his face could hold.

"We can speak French," Both Alex and I said.

"Merde," Laf replied and we laughed at him, then we laughed harder at Herc's confused face.

"What?" Herc asked, "What?"

"Nothing," The 3 of us had said it, but Laf said it in a way that gave away his need to hide what he'd said.

"To the party!" Laf exclaimed, changing the subject as fast as he could. We cheered and the ride to the Schuyler's was loud and fun. Alex was smiling, that's all that mattered to me.

When we parked Peggy came running from the house, she basically pulled everybody out of the car. "Come in, come on!" She was chanting, and began to drag Alex and me into the house while Eliza and Angelica pulled Laf and Herc.

"Okay, okay!" Alex was saying. We all laughed at their enthusiasm.

Eliza held the door open and closed it when we went inside, my breath caught in my throat, they had hung pictures of Peter around the house. I looked to Alex to see tears gathering in his eyes, his face looked like it was going to break from how hard he was trying not to cry. Oh God, was he going to revert on all his progress through his grief?

"Thank you," Alex's broken voice almost killed me, "Thank you so much," The tears...


I couldn't help it, I threw myself into Alex's arms to comfort him. I pulled out of it as soon as I realized what I was doing and held him at arm's length and wiped his tears away.

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