Coming Out

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"The boy next to me just farted."

"Oh my God." Nate rolled his eyes. I laughed and rode the elevator down to the base floor as the people in the elevator looked at us weirdly, not as weirdly as elevators feel when they move, but still weirdly.

Nate pulled me out of it but I stopped to look at the triceratops skull on display that we'd passed earlier, "Susan!" I shouted happily and reached over to touch her, she's my favorite dinosaur!

"The sign says do not touch!" Nate whisper-shouted as I patted Susan's snout.

"Oh well." I replied and then started walking again, satisfied after saying my proper goodbye to Susan.

"This is why you break things." He replied quietly. He was talking about the two things inside this museum I'd manage to break, we ran from the site of the crime before we were caught though. I'd broken a bridge display because I poked the middle of the bridge and also I'd broken a plastic dinosaur bone that was on display by dropping it.

"I don't deny it." I said and walked back to his truck, "But I finished the research portion of this paper." Which was the reason we'd gone to the museum. We both climbed into the vehicle and I threw my backpack into the backseat so I'd have leg room up here.

Nate started the car up and sighed, "Why'd you choose to do your paper over dinosaur eggs of all things?" He asked.

"Because dinosaurs are majestic and deserve love." I replied because that's the obvious answer, duh..

He glanced over at me, "Seat belt." He ordered.

"Okay daaaaaaad!" I replied but pulled the the strap over my shoulder and clicked it into the buckle. I looking through the window as we passed more and more things, I liked seeing things from a car when it passes by because it looks like it speeds by which looks real dope.

"They're extinct." Nate said after awhile.

"What?" I looked at him confused, having already forgotten our conversation because I was too busy comparing the last building we passed to a dildo.

"Dinosaurs." I punched his shoulder, dinosaurs still deserve love! Nate laughed, "Watch out, I'm driving."

"God save me then." I replied and crossed my arms, "Dinosaurs aren't 100% extinct. 3/4 species died for reasons unknown-probably major environmental changes. So 3/4 species died, and the other 1/4 evolved into different animals. Technically crocodiles are dinosaurs but they evolved to be smaller so they didn't have to keep up with a massive body weight for the suspected environmental changes."

"I stopped listening halfway through." Dick.

"I hate you." I rolled my eyes and looked back out of the window to see we'd reached our neighborhood.

"Love you too, sis." Nate replied and pulled up to our house.

I grabbed my bag and ran in, quickly speeding down the stairs, not wanting to run into either of my parents, going to Nate's and my room. I spread my research over my bed and sat for the next six hours straight to finish, if I do it now right after I did all of that research it'll be fresh in my mind. I mean some people work breaks into their work schedules but that never works for me because then I lose motivation to even do the work so I do it as fast as I can.

After six hours of continuous writing I stretched and got up, saving my project about seven times and writing on my hand with sharpie to print it when I get to school, "Nate!" I yelled repeatedly until he came running into the room.

"What?!"  He asked, out of breath. He probably ran thinking this was an emergency or something, ha! Nerd.

I got up and hopped up to him and said, "We're going to Laf's."

"Why?" He asked as I texted Alex one more time.

"Spoilers." I grabbed his arm and ran out to his truck, getting into the passenger seat and waiting for him to climb into the driver's seat. The lucky ass had passed his driver's test unlike me which is why he has to drive me everywhere.

He drove to Laf, Alex, and John's with no questions asked. We got there and I ran in, finding Alex, "Didya do it?" I asked, knowing he did.

"Yep!" Alex replied, this is going to be epic..

I grinned, "Assemble the Avengers." Alex skipped off and I waited in the kitchen for him to do what needed to be done..

A little while later Alex texted saying they were all in the living room so I grabbed the cake covered in white icing, nothing else was on it, only icing. I carried it to them and put it on the dining room, "I have gathered you all here for one reason." I said, looking them over.

"Cake?" Angelica asked suspiciously, looking like she might poke the cake to investigate.

"Yes." I took the knife out and jammed it in the middle of the 'cake' causing the balloon that was covered in icing to pop and send rainbow glitter everywhere and a few people to scream in shock, "I'M A LESBIAN!!!" I screamed above them.

Theo stood up, "This is the best coming out I have ever attended." She said and I laughed while also wondering what that meant.

Theo speaking seemed to knock the shock out of everybody and Peggy jumped over the table to hug me causing us to collapse, "Welcome to out of the closet, homo!"

"I miss Narnia already." I replied but I knew being out out the closet meant I was homo...get it? Like home? I'm a mess.

Laf pouted, "Now we have to clean this up before papa comes back." He said, looking at the glitter which I'm sure will never fully be cleaned up.

"I'll leave you to it!" I shouted and grabbed Nate, running to his truck and screaming for him to go as our friends tried to grab us to force us to help the clean up process.

Nate wasted no time in forcing me back into the living room to help clean up my glitter bomb of a coming out.

I have never felt so betrayed.

How dare he make me take responsibility for my actions.

I'm shook.

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